A Positive Perspective to Health Care Reform?

Can't use that model. Currently the national carriers don't have to participate in those states so most don't. Also, the federal gov't isn't offering premium subsidies for 400% and below FLP in states like NY. And aside from MA there's no other GI state with a mandate.

Basically, you can't compare states like NY for what's coming down the pike.

What is interesting is that most of the guaranteed issue states are in deep doo-doo from a rate point of view. Most agents here, myself included, ask how in the world the Hillaries and Obamas and the dems of the world can create a national model based on a proven loser state models unless you either keep throwing more and more government money at it or let the premiums rise fast and furiously beyond what the plan was intended to prevent. Most agents here think that is nuts.

The Obama camp however retorts that everything is going to be different and special with their plan. And you can't compare because we have not been down that road yet. Again, most people can see the obvious.

Here is where it gets dicey. At the same time agents look at obama plan and the experience of the states with GI and the experience of agents there and (just like Obama) start ticking off all the reasons why things are going to be different. Interesting.

You say "we cannot use that model" . I would sure as hell give it some thought. And Obama sure as hell should give it some thought too. Will there be differences? Of course. Will there be similarities. Of course to that as well, depending on what one's level of denial is.
Winter; everyone is going to make money...for a while. Agents will make money and the carriers will rake it in until it all implodes.

When it implodes, health agents without a plan B will be on Monster.com while others who are planning will do just fine. But I don't care about the forecast, only when the game is called for rain. Until then...
I wasn't posting from experience since I'm not from MA, the only GI state, but I think "healthagent" is right in that we can't really compare MA anyway to what's coming down the pike.

Was just sharing my opinion from everything I've absorbed to date.

Have a good one!
We have a small comparison; duel eligible MA plans. Here's a plan that's GI and cost the client nothing. However, when introduced commissions were quite large. In fact, it was a feeding frenzy.

I went to a local Bravo meeting to recruit new agents to sell these plans and it was standing room only.

The gov't gave the money to the carriers and the carriers could have all said "listen, these plans are GI and cost nothing so it's $50 an app." Was that how it played out? Nope. Did carriers use their sales force? Yep.
Winter; everyone is going to make money...for a while. .

Good, because the Maine health insurance agents have not made any in a while. So that will be a step up and something different for us. If we become a little like you for a while, then that could be fine. If you start becoming a little like us after a while.......errrr ... not so fine.

It's been said about 50 times but I guess it bears repeating:

I will continue to sell health insurance until the day I can't. Period. In the mean time, savvy agents will have a plan B in place so just in case the ride comes to an end we won't have a care in the world.

All of the carriers could announce tomorrow morning that come 2014 commissions will end...and I'd be selling health insurance up to that date.
It's been said about 50 times but I guess it bears repeating:

I will continue to sell health insurance until the day I can't. Period. In the mean time, savvy agents will have a plan B in place so just in case the ride comes to an end we won't have a care in the world.

All of the carriers could announce tomorrow morning that come 2014 commissions will end...and I'd be selling health insurance up to that date.

Okay, well just be careful to not become like one of those Japanese soldiers. We dont want to find you on a Pacific Island twenty years after the game is over selling Mega Plans to the natives.

Can't use that model. Currently the national carriers don't have to participate in those states so most don't. Also, the federal gov't isn't offering premium subsidies for 400% and below FLP in states like NY. And aside from MA there's no other GI state with a mandate.

Basically, you can't compare states like NY for what's coming down the pike.

Actually healthagent you are forgetting Maines experience with the Dirigo program except for the mandate and penalty it is very similar..The state trying to subsidize the ever increasing premiums by taxing other people to provide for the subsidies..It has been a complete failure it was supposed to cover 150K people without coverage and has only covered 3K people that previously did not have coverage...also my state is broke where is the money going to come from after the first 2 years and they have to pick up there part of the increases medicaid portion...

I hope you are right I would love to be able to add health to my bag I just have a really bad feeling based on Maine experience.
Actually healthagent you are forgetting Maines experience with the Dirigo program except for the mandate and penalty it is very similar..The state trying to subsidize the ever increasing premiums by taxing other people to provide for the subsidies..It has been a complete failure it was supposed to cover 150K people without coverage and has only covered 3K people that previously did not have coverage...also my state is broke where is the money going to come from after the first 2 years and they have to pick up there part of the increases medicaid portion...

I hope you are right I would love to be able to add health to my bag I just have a really bad feeling based on Maine experience.

One of the subcurrents going on with this dispute between Anthem and the State of Maine is that Anthem was the provider for the Dirigo Plan up until 2008 or so (I think it is Harvard Pilgrim now, not sure, dont follow it because there is no program left to follow). Anthem ran the program but dumped it because it was a dog and a money loser and too many state regulations and they got tired of subsidizing it. This left the state in a lurch because their view is/was that all the carriers would give their eye teeth to be part of some government program and of course since the state program is a money loser they need to have it grafted on to a large carrier to have them somehow absorb costs as a goodwill gesture to stay on the right side of the regulators for their other business.

All that went out the window when Anthem dumped it and everything is bad blood now. Trust me, that is not the only factor related to their rate increase issues, but it is a factor. This is and will be a feature of maocare too. You either play ball and make the reform program look good or you gonna feel it somwhere along the line, even if you just decide to not be a player.

Change you can believe in.