- 2,908
Can't use that model. Currently the national carriers don't have to participate in those states so most don't. Also, the federal gov't isn't offering premium subsidies for 400% and below FLP in states like NY. And aside from MA there's no other GI state with a mandate.
Basically, you can't compare states like NY for what's coming down the pike.
What is interesting is that most of the guaranteed issue states are in deep doo-doo from a rate point of view. Most agents here, myself included, ask how in the world the Hillaries and Obamas and the dems of the world can create a national model based on a proven loser state models unless you either keep throwing more and more government money at it or let the premiums rise fast and furiously beyond what the plan was intended to prevent. Most agents here think that is nuts.
The Obama camp however retorts that everything is going to be different and special with their plan. And you can't compare because we have not been down that road yet. Again, most people can see the obvious.
Here is where it gets dicey. At the same time agents look at obama plan and the experience of the states with GI and the experience of agents there and (just like Obama) start ticking off all the reasons why things are going to be different. Interesting.
You say "we cannot use that model" . I would sure as hell give it some thought. And Obama sure as hell should give it some thought too. Will there be differences? Of course. Will there be similarities. Of course to that as well, depending on what one's level of denial is.