Aarp Fall From Grace

This much I can tell you. Medicare is still accepting claims and Obama filled the doughnut hole.

I think those of us who actually pay taxes are the one's filling the doughnut hole.

You have the chance now. You had it in 1994 but blew it with with an overreach and pissed everyone off with your arrogance (Newt!) and we voted for Clinton over Dole in droves in 1996.

You really think that had anything to do with an overreach? I believe it was more about a lack of a good candidate to run against Bill Clinton. Kind of like McCain vs Obama.

Stop talking and do something SUBSTANTIVE with your House majority. Even if it is vetoed, DO SOMETHING (that we care about ... and it's not PBS or planned parenthood!)

You may not consider voting to repeal HCR, defunding Planned Parenthood and PBS as nothing, but some of us are grateful for those actions. My only desire is that they would do more cutting.
You may not consider voting to repeal HCR, defunding Planned Parenthood and PBS as nothing, but some of us are grateful for those actions. My only desire is that they would do more cutting.

You want to campaign as being the guy who took Big Bird and Kermit off the air?

You want to campaign against allowing teens to get birth control pills and forcing raped women to have the babies? I concede your argument against abortion... it will have some traction... but its not a game changer because most people are in favor of legalized abortion.

As for HCR, you repeal it or prevent funding yet the guy you want to vote for your candidate still has a $10,000 a year health premium with a $10,000 a year deduct.

Your guys have a chance to pass legislation that can make the lives of ordinary people better. Sure. Balance the budget. That's nice. We're all for that. But your voter is going to say "Hey, gas is $3.80 a gallon. Why didn't you pass some kind of price-gouging law or some legislation to allow on-shore drilling etc."

Now you are going to absolutely hate me here for saying what I'm about to say. I'm going to quote President Obama. In the State of the Union he said "We do big things."

Why aren't YOU guys with a House majority going to do BIG THINGS? No... not BLOCK big things... but DO big things?

Scott, don't you see that your guys are just pissing away a great opportunity to be the "can do" party?

Re-write the tax code. Fund an all-out "war" on cancer. Pass a new health reform law. Write an immigration bill. Re-work the Social Security regulations.

You have a chance to FLOOD the country with the changes that you think will be best for the largest number of citizens. You could aspire to greatness. Sure you might fail (as did LBJ and his majority... but at least he tried and some of it "stuck.")

I'm just amazed that your people and party seem bankrupt from ideas, plans, goals, and programs. The best you can come up with out of the gate is kicking PBS down the stairs, tramping on planned parenthood, and threatening to shut down the government?

If there was ever a chance for you people to govern... or at least have a seat at the table to present your wares to the American voters... this is it... and you are just letting it slip through your fingers.

The AARP is just another organization built to sell and legitimize insurance products. They pretend to have a greater goal in mind.
Your web site generously offers us the opportunity to receive all communication in Spanish. ARE YOU KIDDING??? The illegal perpetrators have broken into our 'house', invaded our home without our invitation or consent.


There are literally millions of american citizens here legally who speak Spanish as their primary language. The notion that if you prefer to speak Spanish then you are here illegally is a total farce. There are a myriad of other fallacies in her line of thinking on that, but on that point alone she proudly displays her ignorance.
You want to campaign as being the guy who took Big Bird and Kermit off the air?

If they can't make it on their own, then cut the cord.

You want to campaign against allowing teens to get birth control pills

Last I checked, most any drug store sells birth control pills.

and forcing raped women to have the babies?

You libs always use hyperbole like that. Tell me Al, how many of the 1.3 million abortions performed each year in the U.S. are due to rape? Give up? One percent, that's how many. For what it's worth, I completely understand the desire a woman would have to terminate such a pregnancy. Same for health issues. But the fact is, the majority of abortions are done as a method of birth control.

Besides, taxpayer money should not go to support abortion. If someone wants an abortion they should pay for it themselves. You know, the whole personal responsibility issue that you libs can't seem to understand.

As for HCR, you repeal it or prevent funding yet the guy you want to vote for your candidate still has a $10,000 a year health premium with a $10,000 a year deduct.

Do you think those costs are going to be any different when Obamacare is in full effect? If so, why do you believe that? Give some facts, not your opinion.

But your voter is going to say "Hey, gas is $3.80 a gallon. Why didn't you pass some kind of price-gouging law or some legislation to allow on-shore drilling etc."

That's funny coming from folks like you. Your type were the people saying Bush was in bed with big oil the last time prices got to this point. We're not hearing that today about Obama. Why is that?

Why aren't YOU guys with a House majority going to do BIG THINGS? No... not BLOCK big things... but DO big things?

Preventing Obama from adding $3-$5 trillion to the debt over the next two years IS doing big things. I know you libs don't think it is. Doing big things to you is spending money you don't have. Tell me Al, do you run your household budget the same way you and your lib friends want the government to handle taxpayers money?
Preventing Obama from adding $3-$5 trillion to the debt over the next two years IS doing big things.

OK, so you are going present to the voters next election that you killed Big Bird, you re-criminalized abortion, and you prevented 5 trillion in spending.

President Obama and his Dems are going to say "They had the shot to work with us or even present their own programs... but all they wanted to do was obstruct. They are the party of "no." Elect them and they will continue to do the same "nothing" they've done since they won the House."

Scott, I know... we all know... that you arch-cons and assorted tea-baggers are not the brightest bulbs on the movie-house marquee, but I don't think anyone figured you all to be as politically naive (stupid is a better word) as you are showing us currently.

If your people piss away this golden opportunity to bring some substantive changes or programs or whatever to the table then your only hope is that the economy stays bad, gas stays high, and people blame President Obama for it as they did President Carter. Oh yeah... to beat an incumbent you'll have to dig up a Ronald Reagan or Bill Clinton to carry your message against an astute communicator... and I don't yet see anyone in the wings with that ability.

Kill Kermit the Frog, liquidate Planned Parenthood, and claim saving the taxpayers some government funding... yeah that's surely a platform for electoral success. At least let your Randy Paul repeal the civil rights laws so you can say you did SOMETHING of substance while you had the power!

It's all right there in front of you... and none of you get it. Naive or stupid? You make the call.
Obama filling the doughnut hole? terrible idea. the program as it was originally designed was more than enough. Medicare was in financial trouble before it there was a Part D, how is it going to pay for 70 million+ baby boomers medications ALL year long??? Prior to 2006, My clientbase, which represents a wide cross-section of the senior population, found a way to get their medication without help from Medicare. Somehow, my clients managed. The Medicare drug plan needs to remain a limited benefit. Otherwise it will run out of "other people's money".

PBS and Planned Parenthood will also find a way to survive despite the cuts.
I don't understand what is sacred about muppetts. Don't they sell out movie houses and TV shows. Do they need a handout.
What is sacred about planned parenthood? Don't they basically talk girls into unnecessary abortions. Isn't there a morning after pill for rape cases? Wouldn't the woman be better off in a hospital in cases where she wants the baby but the mother's life is in danger? Would abortion end or would abortion laws change if there were no planned parenthood?
I belong to AARP because I want to read their bullshit they mail out to members. I hear they actually lose money on membership charges if the member doesn't buy any of their insurance so I don't feel bad.