AARP Increases Membership Dues

You guys are funny, this is exactly what I see in the field when I quote AARP, either people really love them or hate them. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground with this company.

In Michigan their competative for people age 65-68. They charge everyone the same rate regardless of what zip code they live in - which for the Detroit area is a blessing.

I usually just say "United Health Care" when I first start talking about the plan....
No one says you need to like the AARP and no one will argue with you that they have some issues or that they are imperfect. But to imply that because I'm a member that I must somehow be an *** is kind of a stretch (unless you ask Rick.)
I never said you were an *** at all, nor did I ever say you were an *** for joining AARP. I said you were a jackass and an asshole. I also said that since you don't understand health insurance you shouldn't be selling it.

Other than that, I agree with everything you say.

I never said you were an *** at all, nor did I ever say you were an *** for joining AARP. I said you were a jackass and an asshole. I also said that since you don't understand health insurance you shouldn't be selling it.

Other than that, I agree with everything you say.


I didn't know the origins of AARP. Thanks for that.

Per usual when Rick stalks me and enters the thread, it's time for it to be moved to the "Fight Club." Happens every time.

It was a good civil discussion... with civil disagreement... but Rick has stepped in here with his usual bad (perhaps bi-polar?) attitude... so it's done now.

Rick (as you have no doubt noticed) is bad for this forum... and, in my opinion, bad for our industry.
Al, what are we going to do with you?

First, I never said everyone who joins AARP is an ***. I said people who join it or ANY organization in order to buy a med sup are very special people IF the med sup is overpriced. Is that more clear to you?

And you think seniors prefer to be called "old people" when they are marketed to? As in "we have an old people discount at this restaurant?" I guess I hadn't noticed that.

If I think I need more help marketing to any age group or members of any organizations, I'll be sure to call you. I'm sure with all your success as a semi-captive with MOO and then not and whatever new thing you're trying now you're bound to have discovered something you're average now...or maybe not.
I feel better now that I know that so many of you guys are also old enough to join AARP! ;)
Al, what are we going to do with you?

First, I never said everyone who joins AARP is an ***. I said people who join it or ANY organization in order to buy a med sup are very special people IF the med sup is overpriced. Is that more clear to you?

And you think seniors prefer to be called "old people" when they are marketed to? As in "we have an old people discount at this restaurant?" I guess I hadn't noticed that.

If I think I need more help marketing to any age group or members of any organizations, I'll be sure to call you. I'm sure with all your success as a semi-captive with MOO and then not and whatever new thing you're trying now you're bound to have discovered something you're average now...or maybe not.

First of all, it is not "old" people. It is "older" people. If you market to this demographic and don't know that, then I think you should call me (or someone) for marketing help. My take is that you are a young guy out there selling to older people but don't have the first clue about who they are, what concerns them, or how to converse with them. Given what you wrote above, you surely wouldn't be my agent. You sound way to argumentative and far too adamant in your beliefs to give me the comfort level that what you present to me is a balanced choice, as opposed to what is just best for you alone. You sound like a typical self-absorbed salesman.

That's the point I want to make. Guys like you and Rick, with your bad attitude toward anyone who dares take exception to you, is what give this industry a bad name. Guys like you and Rick and a couple of dozen others here are so convinced they are right about anything and everything that the image of the fast-talking, pushy, hard-sell insurance guy becomes paramount in my mind when I read your (collective) postings.

Sure, things didn't work at MOO, but there is no shame in trying. One day you will understand that the journey is the reward and that in life you will reach a number of dead-ends where you have to turn around and drive in a different direction. If you see that as a failure, you will miss out on a lot of the adventure that life holds. My bet is that you already have, as has Rick

You and Rick live in a zero-sum world... where if someone else is right, you are wrong.

I've failed at many, many, many business ventures. I've written software that never sold. I've written books that never sold. I've joined companies that failed. I've started businesses that never made a dime. My time with MOO was nothing compared to the above.

Guys like you and Rick who see shame in failure are guys who will lead a long boring life. You are never going to ask he pretty girl to dance because you are afraid she will say no. Guys like you and Rick who see people like me... who have tried many things but who have succeeded at very few, you are the guys that revel in mediocrity and are the guys who will never hit a home run because they are so afraid of striking out.

So if all the things I've failed at or all the things I've done (like MOO) that didn't work out helps boost your personal self-esteem, I'm fine with it. I don't live my life according to your level of mediocrity and I surely don't expect you to be out there on the edge where I've been.

In theory we should all be able to "get along." But guys like you and Rick and a sizable number of others in this venue really can't do that. And while this is the internet and not real life, I wonder how guys like you and Rick and the other cyber-reprobates are (and act) when out of the ether. (Well, I know how Rick acts because we once spoke on the phone... and one thing you can say about Rick is that he is consistent.)

Newby, you go ahead and castigate me and others for our foibles and misbegotten adventures. It's fine. You remind me of that old Irish epigram "I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they get up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day."
Newby, you go ahead and castigate me and others for our foibles and misbegotten adventures. It's fine. You remind me of that old Irish epigram "I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they get up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day."
And unfortunately for you (and anyone who is dumb enough to like/love you), you will never feel good about anything or about yourself. You are a sad, bitter man who only gets his rocks off by putting successful people down.

While you think I have a psychological problem, it is obvious to everyone here that you really need to see a counselor. A failed life must be a real cross to bear. Get some help before it's too late.


And unfortunately for you (and anyone who is dumb enough to like/love you), you will never feel good about anything or about yourself. You are a sad, bitter man who only gets his rocks off by putting successful people down.

And you are that successful person? Excuse me but I know first hand how you do business. I sent you a client and you screwed it up totally because of your bad attitude, your inadequate communication abilities, to say nothing about your lack of product knowledge in FE that you claimed to me that you possessed.

While you think I have a psychological problem,

Yes I do. But I don't care much about you. At one time I did... but I don't anymore. I worry more about the damage you could cause.

With your anger management issues you are not only a danger to yourself, more importantly you are a potential danger to those who seek your services and advice... to say nothing about the society at large. I'd hate to be the guy at Starbucks who made you wait for a cup of coffee.

It's a good thing you sell mostly "F" plans. I shudder to think about the consequences if you sold equities.

You tout yourself as some kind of a role model here, and I'm sure to those who remember (or want to emulate) the "old days" of the tough-talking, aggressive, abusive, "used car" sales guy, I'm sure you are.

Fortunately, my fears are somewhat mitigated by that fact that given your psychology, damn few people would actually buy from you. You exhibit very few of the attributes that a successful financial sales agent needs to have. I'm sure you are in this venue all week because you have nothing else to do.

Get some help before it's too late.

Because you really care? Rick, you don't care, and never have cared, about anyone or anything other than yourself. We both know that, so let's not kid ourselves.

Rick you are never going to live and let live. You simply can't just "get along." It's all zero-sum with you. In a way that's good. I don't WANT anyone to ever mistake you for my friend or colleague.