ABC and NBC Refuse to Run Ad Critical of Obama Health Care


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ABC and NBC Refuse to Run Ad Critical of Obama Health Care

ABC and NBC have refused to run a national ad critical of President Obama's health care reform plan. The commercial features a doctor who warns that a government-run health care system will lead to rationing and will disproportionately harm the quality of care for seniors on Medicare.

The spot has been running for two weeks on local affiliates of Fox, CBS and even ABC and NBC. But the two networks have refused to air the commercial nationally, according to Fox News.|htmlws-main|dl1|link6|
Considering the story itself came from Ruppert Murdock's "fair and balanced" Fox News, that could account for a reputable network's reluctance to run an ad that could be of "questionable origin" to begin with.

Who is the League of American Voters who produced the ad? They apparently have a dog in this hunt. They are more than likely another right-wing front group -- funded by the insurance, pharma, and/or hospital industry, through one of the pr/lobby firms they hire and spend $1,500,000 a day through to buy congressional votes, and make stuff up.

Attached story from PoliticsDaily, a right-wing paper, says the ad "presents a partisan position", and that some of the ad's "factual claims" are being verified. At least they are reporting with a modicum of truth. Any reputable network will verify sources first -- unless it's Fox/Fix News.

I see Dick Morris is connected to the League of American Voters, which is another red flag in favor withholding judgement until the full story is known. Ever since his falling out with the Clintons, he's become a real "Darth Vader" type.

Nice try, neo-cons -- but just another dump truck load of over-biased BS. Joseph Gobbels would be proud of how far the propaganda machine has evolved since Karl Rove took over.

Attached story from PoliticsDaily, a right-wing paper, says the ad "presents a partisan position", and that some of the ad's "factual claims" are being verified. At least they are reporting with a modicum of truth. Any reputable network will verify sources first -- unless it's Fox/Fix News.


Keep in mind that there was not a single, solitary mainstream network or newspaper that was willing to report the John Edwards/Rielle Hunter story. The only paper that reported it was the National Enquirer who reported it months before it was confirmed and they turned out to be 100% correct. The National Enquirer is of course a trash tabloid. Such is the state of American journalism where the public has to decide between mainstream lib media that absolutely will not touch a negative story about democrats or go with a tabloid that may or may not have a grain of truth embedded.

It is probably all for the good anyway. People are leaving those networks in droves to get their news elsewhere because of liberal or government ownership or their shops. (ABC reports on health reform from the White House, hehehe). That is fine. Just let the free market play out and watch Fox's rating go up. Then watch Obama continue to denigrate Fox all while the heartland is becoming its viewership. Not working out so well is it Barry. Tell us again that Fox viewers are just an angry mob that cant think for themselves.
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Aren't the networks private enterprises? Do they get the right to run the stories AND the ads they want to run?

Or maybe you would be in favor of government regulations that say they have to run anything that anyone brings them... story, adv., whatever? Do you neo-cons really want to see MORE regulation of the media? I know I don't.

I've been in and around journalism all my life. Understand one thing. The "news" is nothing more than a vehicle to sell advertising. Same with music on the radio and same with all entertainment in every free or almost free media.

The news departments make a big deal about the "sanctity" of the "story"... but at the end of the day, if the drug companies, car companies, and food companies decide not to buy advertising for the network news shows, they will disappear in a New York minute.

It's all about the money. That's something you folks here should be very familiar with.


NBC is not a private enterprise. It is a shill, an advertising arm, for General Electric and nothing else. GE stands to earn billions of dollars if Obama has his way. Hence NBC is a giant plug for Obama and his people.

Don't ever call NBC a news organization.
let's also not forget that Jeff Immelt is on the board of the New York Federal Reserve, which is also not a government organization.
Fox has not agreed to run the ads yet. I don't know about CNN. Speaking of CNN...they have actually become a little more fair and balanced in the last 3-6 months. I'm not sure why. CNBC is still a joke...except for Joe S.

Here's an odd one:

A class of 10th graders was asked (in SW Ohio) what TV News Network they trust most.

Fox 15

Of course...I assume their parents have a lot to do with those numbers.
I have got to say that I am getting REALLY tired of this whole neo-con thing.......Atlanta & Al, you need to stop accusing everyone of being a neo-con, and all right wing, and caring about nothing but the money.

I happen to be a Conservative, and I am very pleased to say that the reality is that that is the foundation on which this country was built.

I have a wonderful family, and I do my very best to keep them from being overexposed to all of the crap that comes through so much of the liberal media that we have in this country. Al, the networks do have an obligation, as long as they are doing what they do under the guise of bringing us the truth, to be as fair and impartial as possible, and if it weren't for organizations like Fox News, there wouldn't be anything to offset all of the overly slanted crap that comes from the Left. The truth is that Fox News may very well slant too far to the Right side occasionally, but it's like putting an elephant and an ant on opposite ends of a teeter-totter.

Just stop with the whole name-calling about groups of people that you don't even know........we are not all neo-cons.
Just stop with the whole name-calling about groups of people that you don't even know........we are not all neo-cons.
Don't let the name-calling bother you (sticks and stones...), it's just a radical bully-tactic, in reality it amounts to NOTHING. Just stick with the facts, that's hard enough. If they get the so-called "fairness doctrine" back-doored, the facts won't matter. Just let the free market decide - workin' fine in talk radio, and pickin' up speed on "TV". :1cool: