ACA Government Co-Ops: Is This Experiment Working In Your State?

September 24, 2015

"Health Republic Insurance of New York will close up shop by year-end, marking one of the biggest blows to the Affordable Care Act's co-op program to date.

Health Republic is the largest not-for-profit co-op in the country with approximately 200,000 members as of this past spring, or roughly one-fifth of all people enrolled in a co-op health plan. But like almost all of the other co-ops, which have been seeded with loans from the ACA, Health Republic was losing money after it attracted some of the sickest and costliest members in its market."


We started with 23 state Co-ops... These have gone belly-up during just two open enrollments:

1. Vermont - Was squashed based on poor projections.

2. Co-Opportunity Health - Iowa/Nebraska

3. Louisiana Health Cooperative - Louisiana

4. Nevada Health Co-op - Nevada

5. Health Republic Insurance Co-op - New York

That's a 21.7% failure rate. I wonder if the administration views these as "acceptable" losses... ie. No Big Deal.
September 24, 2015 "Health Republic Insurance of New York will close up shop by year-end, marking one of the biggest blows to the Affordable Care Act's co-op program to date. Health Republic is the largest not-for-profit co-op in the country with approximately 200,000 members as of this past spring, or roughly one-fifth of all people enrolled in a co-op health plan. But like almost all of the other co-ops, which have been seeded with loans from the ACA, Health Republic was losing money after it attracted some of the sickest and costliest members in its market." Story: We started with 23 state Co-ops... These have gone belly-up during just two open enrollments: 1. Vermont - Was squashed based on poor projections. 2. Co-Opportunity Health - Iowa/Nebraska 3. Louisiana Health Cooperative - Louisiana 4. Nevada Health Co-op - Nevada 5. Health Republic Insurance Co-op - New York That's a 21.7% failure rate. I wonder if the administration views these as "acceptable" losses... ie. No Big Deal.

I don't think this administration and most Democrats care what happens with Co-ops or carriers. All that matters to them is the law was passed and puts us one step closer to single payer. The quicker Co-ops and carriers fall apart, the quicker the government can step in and "save the day".
AC, I could be wrong but I believe the purpose of Obamacare was to show the public things that don't work.

Once the voters catch on they can proudly talk about the track record of SS and Medicare and how neither program has gone belly up in 50+ years.
2 liberal clients yesterday told me the reason the ACA is jacked up is because the GOP would not meet and give solutions to the PREZ when it was passed.... I told them that was incorrect and they just dismissed my comments and said I dodnt have a clue.....since they are my clients I just bit my lips and said pay your bill

gotta love it
Tater, a friend once told me this.

Never teach a pig to sing. It is a waste of your time and it annoys the pig.
As I recall, President Obama had a majority of Democrats in both the House and the Senate when elected. The Affordable Care Act is called ObamaCare because it's his brainchild. Republicans had nothing to do with it.
Most co-ops not covered by state guaranty fund. So where do you go to get your claim paid? Do you sue Obama?