ACA Government Co-Ops: Is This Experiment Working In Your State?

October 16, 2015

With today's announcement that Colorado and Oregon Co-Ops will soon be shutting down,

It's time to update the list..

We started with 23 state Co-ops on January 1, 2014. These have gone belly-up after just two open enrollments:

1. Vermont - Was squashed based on poor projections.

2. Co-Opportunity Health - Iowa/Nebraska

3. Louisiana Health Cooperative - Louisiana

4. Nevada Health Co-op - Nevada

5. Health Republic Insurance Co-op - New York

6. Kentucky Health Cooperative - Kentucky

7. Community Health Alliance - Tennessee

8. Colorado HealthOP - Colorado

9. Oregon's Health Co-op - Oregon

That's a 39% failure rate for this U.S. Government experiment. The Feds say that they expect to "lose a few more" Co-Ops. Hurting American Citizens obviously means nothing to these callous bureaucrats. They used taxpayer money to test a crazy theory that's failing miserably. What we're witnessing is a microcosm of what would happen to an underfunded national Single-Payer system.

Oregon's Health Co-Op is still alive and kicking. Oregon has 2 co-ops and Health Republic is the one that announced it will be closing at year end. ;)
Oregon's Health Co-Op is still alive and kicking. Oregon has 2 co-ops and Health Republic is the one that announced it will be closing at year end. ;)

Thanks for the heads-up HealthRisk. I just corrected that entry. There were supposed to be 50 Co-ops. How did Oregon get 2 of these beauties, when Congress decided that 23 experiments were enough?
They voted for Obama?

It seems that every state that did is being left hung out to dry. Here in Obama's home state of IL, if you win more than $599 in the lottery, you're getting an IOU now. Jessie Jackson Sr. got so mad at his former friend, that he started crying on TV last week.

BTW.. There are still people enrolling in Colorado's Co-Op today, for SEP 2015 coverage. Word travels slow in the mountains?
Thanks for the heads-up HealthRisk. I just corrected that entry. There were supposed to be 50 Co-ops. How did Oregon get 2 of these beauties, when Congress decided that 23 experiments were enough?

It must have been a hedge against the most non-existent exchange for 2014.
Oregon's Health Co-Op is still alive and kicking. Oregon has 2 co-ops and Health Republic is the one that announced it will be closing at year end. ;)

According to Health Republic NJ, everything is fine. They're a separate company and none of this affects them.

There's only 5 carriers in the state, and only about 49.4% of eligible citizens have health insurance-one of the worst in the nation. They certainly have the room to stake out a place in the market.

Even in the best case scenario, co-ops might be a flawed concept destined to fail. I can't think of any other industry with this high a failure rate, especially after receiving significant gov't grants.
October 19, 2015

Now I understand why the Co-Ops(for the most part) aren't listed on any of the RateReview or state SERFF websites. It's not because their premium increase was under 10%, it's because Congress allowed them to be "secretive".

"In creating the co-ops under Obamacare, Congressional Democrats exempted the co-ops from public disclosure rules that apply to publicly traded insurance companies and other publicly traded corporations on such exchanges as the New York Stock Exchange. Those rules require immediate disclosure of materially important financial details.

Aaron Albright, chief CMS spokesman, said 11 co-ops "are either on a corrective action plan or enhanced oversight. We have not released the letters or names." He gave no grounds for withholding the information from either the public or Congress.

CMS officials have stonewalled multiple congressional inquiries into the co-op financial problems. The latest congressional inquiry came in a September 30 letter to CMS acting administrator Andy Slavitt demanding transparency over the troubled program."

Ref: Feds Hide Secret List Of 11 Staggering Obamacare Insurers | The Daily Caller

This past Friday night, our IL Co-op finally published their premium increases for 2016, after receiving HHS approval of the increase request. They range from 7.8% to 52.7%, with a weighted state average of 29.4%. These requested increases for this Consumer Operated & Oriented Program (Co-Op) were never divulged to...Consumers.

This Co-Op debacle reminds me of the movie where this guy stabbed his colleague in the gut and kept twisting the knife...smiling the entire time.