ACA Government Co-Ops: Is This Experiment Working In Your State?

The employees and execs losing their jobs and all the people who have to scramble to seek some kind of coverage (if they can find any) and many are sick. DISASTER.

One thing you don't need to worry about is the execs, I think. They got there cut, you can rest assured.
And they got cut. But don't worry. They will probably show up in the free agent draft with another high paying job.
One thing you don't need to worry about is the execs, I think. They got there cut, you can rest assured.

There are only 3 or 4 "executives" at Land of Lincoln Health. They were just moonlighting anyway. Their real jobs are as big-wigs (over $1mil @ year) with the Chicago Metropolitan District of...something. The Board of Directors of Land of Lincoln is composed of ordinary citizens who knows very little about health insurance. Actually, no one from top to bottom knew much.
Whew then....glad execs got their "sev package"
That just leaves the enrolled members to find their way to the insurance promised land
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no one from top to bottom knew much.

They qualify as DC politicians. No one up there had any clue what they were doing when designing Obamacare. And Sebellius proved to be sufficiently inept as well.
They qualify as DC politicians. No one up there had any clue what they were doing when designing Obamacare. And Sebellius proved to be sufficiently inept as well.

This is off-thread, but since the Co-Ops are almost all gone...what the hell..

Somarco, why does Medicare work so well in the eyes of the beneficiaries, doctors, hospitals and others with a "stake" in this program?

Medicare is overseen and administered by the D.C. politicians and bureaucrats. Whenever a U.S. President, or Candidate, even looks at "adjusting" Medicare in some way, the middle-age and older citizens in this country get very angry.

Isn't Kathleen Sebellius now in charge of some kind of AHIP health insurance advocacy group? She's worse than Clinton, with how she changes her allegiance in order to follow the money.
Roughly 70% of citizens, age 65 and older, have health insurance funded by the taxpayers. No networks. Use any doctor or hospital. Low deductibles. Low out of pocket (in most cases). Part A (hospital coverage) is "free" for most folks. Part B (outpatient) $120/mo for most people. Drug plans start around $20/month.

It works reasonably well because 50,000 people have it and they vote.

Every time Congress tries to "fix" it the torch and pitchfork crowd comes out and they usually have to modify the "fix".

Several powerful lobbying groups, most notably AARP, keep their members informed (albeit a bit slanted) and they throw a lot of money around to make sure Medicare remains viable.

Roughly 70% of those age 65 and over voted in the last few elections. Number for that crowd have risen some since 1964 when 66% voted. Still the largest voting block by age.

45- 64 declined from 75% in 1964 to 63% in the last election.

25-44 declined from 69% to 49%

18 - 24 is the most mercurial block with participation ranging from 50% in 1964 to a low of 30% in 1996 and 2000 to 37% in 2012

Young people do not consistently vote and they really don't have a "voice" like the gray panthers.

As for Sebellius, I don't know what she is doing. Possibly living as a man somewhere in California.

I believe Tavenner is over at AHIP after being drummed out of CMS.
Roughly 70% of citizens, age 65 and older, have health insurance funded by the taxpayers. No networks. Use any doctor or hospital. Low deductibles. Low out of pocket (in most cases). Part A (hospital coverage) is "free" for most folks. Part B (outpatient) $120/mo for most people. Drug plans start around $20/month.

It works reasonably well because 50,000 people have it and they vote.

As for Sebellius, I don't know what she is doing. Possibly living as a man somewhere in California.

I believe Tavenner is over at AHIP after being drummed out of CMS.

Thanks again for useful info Somarco! It's amazing that a Medicare-For-All option wasn't included in ObamaCare. There wouldn't be such hatred of the law by so many sole-proprietors, agents, and workers who don't have Group health insurance available. Whomever becomes President, I hope he/she QUICKLY does what's necessary to help those who are stuck with today's horrible IFP market and plans.

You're right, it's Mary Tavenner who is now at AHIP. Kathleen Sebelius is cashing in, with Sebelius Resources LLC . It's amazing how much better she looks, now that she's making an honest living as a capitalist, LOL.


We (CMS) can renege on our obligation but you (taxpayer) can't renege on yours.

Sounds reasonable. wacky is this!? Illinois informs the public that the state is going to "rehabilitate" Land of Lincoln Health...and then shut it down.

IL-DOI Press Release:

Where does government learn its linguistics? From watching reruns of the Three Stooges?