Acci-flex Accident-only Term Insurance


Has anyone has any insight on this product? Looking to use this to an onwer of a salon.

What is the question?

Acci-Flex is an accidental death benefit, guaranteed premium term life insurance policy. It is a non-participating policy. Premiums are guaranteed renewable to age 75. The product is issued on a Non-medical basis, however, after initial underwriting; some applicants may be required to complete an additional questionnaire or medical exam to determine insurability.

By this do you mean a policy that pays money for an accident, but you live?

AFLAC offers it, SLAICO offers it, American General offers it, and a few more do as well.
Just and update.

If you have clients who purchased an Acci-Flex Accident-Only Term Life Insurance policy and their needs have changed, now may be the time to review and upgrade their coverage to a life policy that provides a benefit for both accidental and non-accidental deaths.
To encourage the client to upgrade their coverage, we are offering a non-commissionable "upgrade credit" equal to the premium paid during the first policy year of the Acci-Flex policy. Premium for riders are credited if the rider is being added to the upgraded life policy.

This credit can be applied to Assurity's LifeScape Simplified Life, Whole Life, Term Life and Premier Universal Life products. Your clients simply need to complete a new application for the upgraded product and all underwriting requirements, then submit the application to Assurity with a cover letter requesting the upgrade. The letter must be signed by the policy owner.
If the case is approved, the "upgrade credit" will be applied to the new product's premium.
i just contracted w/Assurity last month and I love their products and customer service/underwriting!
I'm getting an entire union house (100 peeps) group DI/Life and offering the AcciFlex to those who dont want to spend a lot...