Account Management Alternatives

I've been an account manager for almost 3 years now. Over the last year, I've been thinking about how to work for myself, without becoming an agent. I've met a few agents that are at the point in their business where they need help servicing, but can't afford to pay a $30K a year salary. I believe I might have a solution for this. Here's my idea: I would help these agents with servicing their books of business for a portion of the commission, say a 70%/30% split. If they agent has an agency management system, I would be added as user to the system and I would have access to their book. If not, I could help them get this set up for the future. I would work renewal and new business. I need about 30 renewals/new business accounts a month to make what I am now. I would work from home, so there's not an expense for an office. A disclosure would be created showing which agents I'm working with and a contract with each agent. I know this needs to be refined and the logistics of everything worked out. Is this something that small agents would be interested in? What problems could you foresee with this kind of set up?