Jobs facing the highest risk of being done by AI are budget analysts, loan officers, accountants, insurance sales agents and paralegals.

I don't know if it's directly going to be AI, and I won't argue the point with anyone, but I have long said that as soon as insurance companies can figure out how to sell and service life insurance -- without the agent -- 99% of the insurance agents in the industry will be out of a job.

You're not wrong.

It's already been many decades that you can buy accident insurance out of a machine at the airport.
According to AI they won't......

will ai replace insurance agents

The role of AI in the insurance industry is indeed evolving, but it's unlikely that AI will completely replace insurance agents in the foreseeable future. Here are a few reasons why:
  1. Complexity of Interactions: Insurance often involves complex interactions that require human empathy, judgment, and understanding. AI, while excellent at processing data and providing information, may struggle with the nuanced and sometimes emotional aspects of customer interactions.
  2. Customer Preferences: Many customers still prefer to interact with a human agent, especially when it comes to making important decisions about their insurance coverage. Trust and personal relationships play a significant role in these interactions.
  3. Regulatory and Ethical Considerations: Insurance is highly regulated, and there are ethical considerations involved in providing advice and making recommendations to customers. Human agents are better equipped to navigate these complexities.
  4. Adaptability: AI is improving in its ability to handle routine queries and tasks, but it may struggle with unique or unusual situations that require creativity and flexibility—areas where human agents excel.
  5. Consultative Role: Agents often serve as advisors, helping customers understand their options and making personalized recommendations based on individual needs. This advisory role requires a level of understanding and empathy that AI currently cannot replicate fully.
That said, AI is already transforming the insurance industry by automating routine tasks, improving underwriting processes, enhancing customer service through chatbots, and providing data-driven insights. The future is likely to involve a blend of AI and human agents, where AI supports agents in providing better service and efficiency, rather than replacing them entirely.

HA ha we are trusting AI to answer now?

I remember when the self checkout, and robots being used on assembly line, started to appear

and everyone said ohh no this wont effect anyone's job
we will always need they same amount of people to manage them

I remember thinking then what in the world would be the point, But person after person swallowed this pill

till there was less and less people