Ad in Yellow Pages

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Our agency has a small spot in the paper yellow pages here in South Florida and it generates a couple leads a day at least for us. The leads are fairly easy to close as opposed to internet shoppers, however the downside is that it is still somewhat expensive to advertise with them.

It's also worth mentioning that we are primarily P&C, but do not target the "one stop shop, or state minimum" type customers.

Hope this helps.
I use to advertise with the yellow pages.

About 8 years ago I had an add that was geared towards females. I would write about 6 health policies every month off of it. Then they jacked the rates up so I quit.
Then about 4 years ago I tried that same add because they gave me a sick discount on a 1/4 page. It generated nothing.

Yellow Pages is Dead.

The online version is ok but there are times when other sites will out rank it.
ABC SAID- " Yellow Pages is Dead."

Er they were never alive when it comes to life and health insurance. Not in my 20 years in the business. People have to be sold life and health insurance they dont roll out of bed in the morning and decide they want some life insurance and open the phone book. The insurance companies would stop paying us these high commissions in a minute if they thought all they had to do was run big ads on the internet and in the phone book to market their insurance. In my area a ad in the phone book about 1/12 of the page size will run you a cool 500 bucks a month. Been there done that and yes it will pay for itself but dont think your phone is going to ring off the hook. And yes the economy will have a direct effect on the number of calls you get Back in the late 90's my 500 dollar a month phone book ad was pulling in a 3 or 4 good calls a day. Then the tech bubble burst and Bush got in office in 2001 and the economy tanked and calls slowed down to 1 a day sometimes no calls a day. Then Sept 11, 2001 hit and. I didnt receive a single call from that phone book ad after that for 2 weeks. After that I was doing good to get 2 calls a week off that ad. In 2002 I decided to pull my ad and wait for the economy to pick up before I ran it again. Im still waiting! I suspect I speak for many agents and thats why you dont see many insurance ads in the phone book these days.