Aetna/American Continental


Still Here!
5000 Post Club
Niota, TN
Other than people who are too short for their girth, do they serve any niches.. Seems their premium is now a bit on the high side. I am considering them for their cancer plan for older ages and am wondering if there is a place for the FE since the commissions are on the higher side.
Not really. When they dropped the commissions for 60 and below (or something like that), then increased the rates, they became a non-player.
Other than people who are too short for their girth, do they serve any niches.. Seems their premium is now a bit on the high side. I am considering them for their cancer plan for older ages and am wondering if there is a place for the FE since the commissions are on the higher side.
They go thru age 89 for Level.