- 845
Then you'll basically be writing nobody but smaller regionals if there even in your area . Devoted's obviously been buying business the last few yrs . It's a matter of time until the hachet falls on them and they retrench big . United although a great company could care less if they had agents . Whether there's agents or not seniors still must have health ins . 95% will buy no matter if there's an agent or not . I agree an agent crazy important to the client . But the client will buy whether direct to company or not . Ive fielded 5 times as many calls this yr than last about " $2k for seniors " facebook ads . Seniors are pressing these buttons and being enrolled . I keep seeing on Facebook about agents uniting to fight the taking shape reduced agent comp . No doubt marketing money was tougher to get this yr . Some carriers made it back end . Let's see your #'s Jan 1st and if you do this many well give you this much per app . Agents are naive to think with this big retrenchment going in everyone not effected
Respectfully, I think you're vastly overstating the average Medicare beneficiary's abilities and knowledge level. I just spoken with 3 people over the last few months who didn't even know what Part A and B were, and they had literally no clue they needed supplemental coverage. We take this stuff for granted because we do it every single day. To the average senior, this stuff might as well be hieroglyphics. A lot of people just get their red, white, and blue card and think they're all good. FAR from.