After Buying an Internet Lead


What has been you experience after buying an internet lead? Have you been able to make contact with the prospect? Has the prospect been overwhelmed by calls as soon as you call them? Typically when you buy an internet lead how many other agents are calling at the same time?
I buy auto leads and I'd say about 5 agents are calling the prospect. I close 30-40% of them though and get credit for fake numbers and prospects who were not interested. I have filters for incidents too so if they have an accident/ticket I get a credit. Definitely call immediately with a quote and email them a copy as well with the best case scenario.

I'm paying about $7 per lead and get 2 a day. I use quote wizard on and off. Use them for a few months get busy cancel and sign up again when things slow down.
Thank you for the replies. What have you found the leads to be in terms of ROI. What I mean does the cost of the the lead compared to the actual commissions that are paid? What other prospecting ideas have you thought of?
Unless you've got money to burn and want to be another statistic, avoid internet leads for life insurance.

Try some door knocking and/or cold calling. At least you won't be competing against 5 other agents as you try to learn the business.
Can you explain what the statistics are when it comes to buying internet leads? How is cold calling these days with the do not call list?
Can you explain what the statistics are when it comes to buying internet leads? How is cold calling these days with the do not call list?

Cold calling works and you make an excellent ROI. You can get a scrubbed list.
Also, there is way too much worrying over DNC. If an independent person accidently calls somebody on the DNC registry, nothing will happen. It's the companies doing it that have to worry.
Have you tried building a website with SEO to get insurance leads? When cold calling what lists have been effective?
What has been you experience after buying an internet lead? Have you been able to make contact with the prospect? Has the prospect been overwhelmed by calls as soon as you call them? Typically when you buy an internet lead how many other agents are calling at the same time?

With Medicare leads the leads are shared by 3-4 agents. You can buy exclusive for more money but I didn't think it was worth it. I talk to 2-3 people out of 10 leads. Finding clients is a full time job and you have to try and try and you will make mistakes, waste money and learn what doesn't work for you. Try as many ways as you can untill you find what you like best.