Agency or Street Contract


Does it make sense to have an agency contract as a sole proprietor.
Or does it make more sense to have a higher than street contract -if possible-that allows me to place other agents in my down line. What is the main advantage of having the agency contract. Thanks.
In my opinion if you are going to bring on Agents or producers under you then I'd go with the higher contract that will allow you to do so.

What products and state are you thinking of selling and selling in?
Does it make sense to have an agency contract as a sole proprietor. Or does it make more sense to have a higher than street contract -if possible-that allows me to place other agents in my down line. What is the main advantage of having the agency contract. Thanks.

I'm confused -

Regardless of whether you choose to recruit agents or not, wouldn't you want an above street contract???
I'm confused - Regardless of whether you choose to recruit agents or not, wouldn't you want an above street contract???

I think his question is, if he can have the same above street commission contracts with or without contracting as an agency, is he better off forming an actual agency or just putting agents in his downline as a single agent.