I would also look for someone that will pay you as a capital gains or good will transactionI'm a Medicare broker, who owns my agency and fully owns my Medicare book of business. I'm the only person in my agency and I'm contracted upward with some of the carriers direct, and others through Integrity Marketing. My book of business is about 65% Medicare Supplement/PDPand 35% Medicare Advantage, and I have approximately 700 clients. I'm nearing retirement likely within the next 1-3 years (haven't decided when yet). In my ideal world, I would continue to add new clients and service existing ones at least a year, and then start working less. Ultimately, I'd like to sell my book of business. This may seem like a basic question, but short of hiring someone to help me (which I'm not very interested in), how can I begin to work less (particularly during AEP) and taper the business down, or would it be more beneficial to sell my book of business outright sooner? What should I consider?