Agent Arrested and Convicted for Selling an Annuity.

Please help us, and possibly your career.
We are trying to hire Mark Geragos, or Dennis Riordan to defend me in the reply brief, and oral argument. We need another 25K to get one of these superstar attornies on board. If you'd like to help send your donation to .This money is only to hire a great attorney. Please help! Glenn
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If I had a vitamin water business I would send you some money. If it was that important to have $25k for a lawyer you would find a way to get it with your own funds...

My water company isn't profitable. I haven't been paid in 5 years from it. I DONT have a way of coming up with the 25K.Sorry.
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"If you were in my shoe's you'd ask."
I suppose you are right. Although I probably would ask family first and then Rick. And then Anne from Arizona who is loaded!

Family cant help.Dont know Rick, or Anne.
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The best appeals lawyer is, probaby Alan Dershowitz, I suggested before. That you look up Gerry Spence from wy. I don't think he ever lost a case. Geragos would be good for a jury trial, not sure if he would be good for an appeal. And i don't think you are going to get a lawyer to argue another lawyers brief. I know I an spinning my wheels, because you don't take any of our advice. Did you call corbett (the insurance investigator), at least talk with him. That won't cost you anything.
The best appeals lawyer is, probaby Alan Dershowitz, I suggested before. That you look up Gerry Spence from wy. I don't think he ever lost a case. Geragos would be good for a jury trial, not sure if he would be good for an appeal. And i don't think you are going to get a lawyer to argue another lawyers brief. I know I an spinning my wheels, because you don't take any of our advice. Did you call corbett (the insurance investigator), at least talk with him. That won't cost you anything.

Ill call the attornies tomorrow.The problem is the funds to hire them.
Ill call the attornies tomorrow.The problem is the funds to hire them.

Just curious... In retrospect, do you think you could have done more to ensure what you were doing was in the clients best interests? Maybe contact a family member and have a discussion with the prospect and maybe one of their kids together?

I'm not going to bash you or anything. I personally would not have sold the annuity to her without first having a meeting with her and one of her family members. I think the way you did it was irresponsible. Not criminal, but definitely not responsible and worthy of being sanctioned by California DOI. I just think if she were my mom and someone did this then I'd be very, very upset with the agent and I would probably go after them.

I wish you luck in your appeal and your new water bottle venture. I won't donate to your defense because I believe the way you went about this was wrong and is not representative of the ethical behavior that should be demonstrated by those in our profession.

Again, good luck with your appeal.