Agent Arrested and Convicted for Selling an Annuity.

well, mack, mr neasham doesn't even think the DOI should have been involved. mr neasham thinks that what he did is business as usual for insurance agents. he did nothing wrong.
Your right Mr.Ed I do feel it was a great improvment for my client. (PERIOD)!!!!
I sold an APPROVED DOI product that was REALLY GOOD FOR MY CLIENT!!
The reply brief has been filed as well as the Amicus Curiae brief filed by the Society of Financial Services Professionals.Both law firms did an outstanding job.
What s counsel's feeling on you chances?
He's very optimistic.He feels the videotape of Fran three, and a half years after the sale should atleast get us a new trial.The fact too she wasn't ever deprived of a "major portion" of her investment,and another thing is "lack of evidence",amongst,and including other things.
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He's very optimistic.He feels the videotape of Fran three, and a half years after the sale should atleast get us a new trial.The fact too she wasn't ever deprived of a "major portion" of her investment.....

Now those are good arguments.

All of your previous arguments have, for lack of a better word, SUCKED.

But the fact that she was NOT deprived of a major portion of her money is a superb argument!

That argument alone should be enough to get a new trial.
Of course he is caught up, in the system of ca. Where rhyme or reason, doesn't mean a thing. No one is listening, They all are patting themselves in the back, They stopped a big bad insurance agent! Who dared to make a living!!!!!
He's very optimistic.He feels the videotape of Fran three, and a half years after the sale should atleast get us a new trial.The fact too she wasn't ever deprived of a "major portion" of her investment,and another thing is "lack of evidence",amongst,and including other things.

That's good hardworkwillwin!
What are you doing these days? Any chance you will be able to sell insurance again?
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Stupid question, Arthur.

Just because the agent in Washington got a light punishment doesn't mean that Neasham should have gotten a light punishment.

what they both did was ethically wrong AND illegal in both states.

Just because WA's punishment is less severe doesn't mean that Neasham doesn't deserve his sentence.

ditto to djs.

Glen didn't do **** wrong Ed.
He sold a Annuity.
The client wasn't upset.
The bank was so he paid.
F@@@ the bank.
That's how we get paid sell.
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What are you doing these days? Any chance you will be able to sell insurance again?
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Glen didn't do **** wrong Ed.
He sold a Annuity.
The client wasn't upset.
The bank was so he paid.
F@@@ the bank.
That's how we get paid sell.
Read Ed's profile. He's a She, and she's been on the &*%$# over this since day one. Only she knows why for sure.