Agents: Mind Taking a Short Survey?

Direct Examiner

New Member
A LinkedIn group has the following survey posted:
Correlating the Insurance Industry to the Examining Industry

We would very much like your input. To date, there is no data available that represents the correlation between the Insurance Industry and the Examining Industry.


LinkedIn Group Link: Insurance Agents and Paramedical Examiners | LinkedIn
I did not see where this type of post is in violation, but if I erred I apologize and expect it to be deleted. This forum has been a tremendous learning tool for me (and given me many smiles as well).

The survey is by someone in my LinkedIn group... I saw that box asking for an email as well -- since I am not responsible for the survey, maybe you should not put any contact info there.

I would like to see as many agents participate. We wish to improve the examiner/client satisfaction rate.

Interestingly, I have encountered many agents that were unaware they could choose the examiner that calls on their clients. Why?

And no... I, personally, do not spam anyone :)
I took the survey. Looks like just a way for someone to talk insurance agents into using them. Just look at the last queston.
Thanks for the input - all your inputs --

Although, I do not understand the lack of interest (even slight interest). Either you do not write policies that require parameds, or you do and simply are not interested in what your client will experience. Its the latter group I do not understand.
Please explain.

Like yours, my profession is intertwined with other professions. We all benefit when the application process goes smoothly.
I had an agent email me a rush case this morning. Client going out of town next day. Client was called and scheduled for this evening after her work (fasting requirements discussed - early lite lunch and dinner after exam). This is how it should be. Efficient and convenient.

I have not put my website or contact info in my signature. I am not trying to advertise to you. In the few times that I have discussed Direct Examiners in the forum, only one of you has asked me to help find them an examiner. Like I said above; I am confused as to the acceptance of the status quo when improvement is so easy.
Although, I do not understand the lack of interest (even slight interest). Either you do not write policies that require parameds, or you do and simply are not interested in what your client will experience. Its the latter group I do not understand.
Please explain.

my marketing group takes care of it for me........