AHIP Certification



Does any carrier offer this for free? I heard a few will give the fee back to you if you write with them. Anyone do it for free? which carriers will refund it if you write business? thanks
Coventry has a quota of 6 issued CCP plans. Not too hard! You should definitely qualify for your refund.

They weren't the best choice most of the time for me last year and I doubt they will improve over that. They haven't shown their stuff yet. Too bad they dumped their SNP and MSA. Of course .....that's prolly why they had to dump em'. Too generous.
Does any carrier offer this for free? I heard a few will give the fee back to you if you write with them. Anyone do it for free? which carriers will refund it if you write business? thanks

Most will, Aetna does at 5 or maybe it is 6
Insurance for people turning 65 and older
Medigap insurance
Golden Rule and United of Omaha Coventry and First health
American Seniors Insurance
United Health Onne Blue Cross Blue Shield Gerber life Insurance company
Medicare Supplement News The latest news on Medigap insurance
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