CMS and AHIP testing

Have a retiree category for MAPD business exempt from annual AHIP training?

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You took the words right out of my mouth . And the companies are also saying " that sucker works 20 hrs a week and were paying him $300k" . Go read cvs's earnings . No agent even thinks this could be the yr CO's saying " were cutting benefits , copays and costs big . We're cutting agent comp 50% . It's arrogant to think the everyone's going to feel pain and the agent left alone . I assure you if overrides allowed they'll be cut . It's absurd an fmo can make millions a yr and made money on the back end doing nothing .
Yeah, ur right agent commissions will be cut as the Trillions in debt begin to see carnage in freebies to seniors.

Good point
It's a simple solution in your scenario. 300k in renewals can easily get $500k to sell their book. If you can't see a phone, you can't service your clients. They are in fact, not your clients. They are the companies clients and you are most likely not able to servicing them.

It's not all doom and gloom. Tell me any other industry you can work 20 hours a week and make $300k?
Pffffftt work a career of 30 years and be forced to sell out. WTF is that.

Thats ignorant thinking. Fight for whats right or dont get in the game.