All this talk about the debt ceiling.


Invest in lead.

1) I inherited two lead producing machines after I refuse to let my severely bipolar uncle and slightly less bipolar aunt (who never asked for them) have access to my dad's stash after he died.

Now I have to buy a safe because my wife isn't a fan of them in the house. I will probably buy a semi auto machine just because I use them American style... hoping I'll never have to use it.

And I have assets in my home (which is hard to find and unlikely to be home invaded, but still) that need more protection.

2) I haven't master Alchemy yet to turn lead to gold.
I do a lot of things that people that swear I'm a lefty would be surprised by...

I'm not an insane prepper or anything, but I keep enough food, water (even though we have a well), fuel, and money on hand to survive if something went down where we had another lock down situation.

Covid lock downs really woke me up about stuff. I didn't have a hard time or anything, but there were a number of news stories that really taught me that people are not rationale when maybe they should be.

I'm personally not against the COVID precautions, and take that as you will, but people have very poor reactions in hording.

Next my goal is to go 100% solar because our power grid is questionable, at best.

Like I said, I'm not a weirdo or anything, but an ounce of prevention is always worthwhile... and if I don't have to pay an energy bill at the same time, I'm pretty happy.
I'm not an insane prepper or anything, but I keep enough food, water (even though we have a well), fuel, and money on hand to survive if something went down where we had another lock down situation.

The old tried and true gun nut axiom "Better to have it and not need it is better than needing it and not having it" can be true of many things, water, food, guns, cash, fuel, a friend and so on.

It really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Unless they think they can dictate to me.