Allstate Exclusive Agent Assessment Test

You're a producer for an Allstate agency, you don't make money. End of discussion.

Wow you are more of a cry baby then I thought. You know nothing of my compensation or my area, so again you lack any credibility. Again sorry that you couldn't handle working at a captive agency. Let me know if you need some advice on how to write business.
It's nice that you're investing so much time in me. You must be really busy producing. Unfortunately for you, at this point you are irrelevant. No wonder you did so poorly at Allstate.
Well maybe we do have something in common. I actually completely understand exposing bullshitters for your own entertainment. Maybe you're not a moron communist after all. I hope that you do find me, for your own contentment, but so far everything you've said at about me is completely wrong, except trying out cold calling at some point as I believe in trying all avenues to increase my production. I did produce 15-20 policies my first couple of weeks in the business. Let me know if you need some clues. Although you are write about one thing, I AM in CT, but that's about it.


Here's a clue. I also sell in NY. And by the way, unless your new, 15-20 policies a month IS a the sign of a worthless producer. I know what most Allstate producers make as well, but you also make what you're worth. That's why most producers and agents fail.


insurance1822 said:
Bro. You're a producer for an Allstate agent. Nuff said.

You've sent me this message over and over tonight, this just goes to show that you are irrelevant, childish, and full of crap. I won't post all the BS stories you tried to tell me through PM that are nothing but contradictory. So I will let everyone here see how childish and irrelevant you are. Now stop blowing me up with childish PMs, you obviously have nothing better to do than PM me the same childish crap over and over again, and tell me how much money you make. Stop crying and go to sleep and let the adults talk now.
I would think in NY you would need to be around 40-60 policies a month. 15-20 seems kind of low for a high traffic area. I love running into producers because either they are uneducated when it comes to insurance or they can't make financial decisions for the agency when it comes to marketing. It's also funny when they call themselves agents and I have to correct them.
Big Steve,

Ins1822 enjoyed throwing me under the bus as well for my career choices on a thread long ago. (I have forgiven him since)

The reality is, this industry is huge. We can all make a killing in a variety of different roles that best suit us. maybe that is as a producer, a captive agency owner, an IA producer, as an UW, a claims guy, or managing director of a large aggregate. Each has its place.

Here you will find 100% hunter personalities that flourish better as Independent agents. (Arguably the captive you work for has explored going independent. Read the Threads. They can't all be wrong. Attend conventions. Ask your Agent about his frustrations.)

I agree with you on a few fronts: Some on here have little tact. And a Sales Guy will sell what he has no matter what and not complain about it.

However: When (Not if) you go indy those 15 ITEMS you are selling, will turn into 100 items a month. Explore your options. You could be an agency owner and making 100% of what you sell.

Look up the definition and synonyms of Captive and Independent. (Hard to argue that)
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Thanks Shawn. I don't think anybody on here will argue that going indy is better. However, we all have our different paths in getting there. I just believe that if you're going to do something, then be the best at it. A trend that I have seen in increasing numbers recently is independents rolling their books into captive agencies. And to be honest, I already do 100 items a month, I'd find a new career if i only wrote 15.
That's not a market wide trend. That's the anomaly where the 1% of successful captives (the small amount who are actually making big money ..) have found an IA book for sale that they're rolling into their companies startup enhanced commission plan. I know Allstate pays 48% that scales down over time so yes...if you're a successful captive & find an IA for's time to open a scratch location and roll a book for a quick buck. That's not the norm, that's a savvy captive (yikes now that's an oxymoron!)