"Amorphous Displeasure" - MLR Confusion Lends Glimmer of Hope

If Obama concedes to this request, I might just vote for him on 11/2/2010.

Wait. He won't be on the ballot then.

Guess I will have to write his name in.
We should at the very least know WTF the MLR is really going to impact. So far we broker/agents have not been informed.

I got a feeling that we might be on the chopping block.
I'll take the positive approach. To me, no news is good news with less than 4 months to go.

It means HHS hasn't taken a hard line stance and said "Listen up everyone, the MLR's will be effective Jan 1st 2011. This is not subject to debate or discussion."

Right now, there's still some horse trading going on.
It's all about "THE REGULATIONS" fellas.

The Secretary (of unhealthy humans and services) can effectively write new law by writing the regulations. If she (human??) is convinced this deal ain't gonna fly by 1/1/11 (onerous numerals) she can basically extend it out anyway she sees fit.
