Angry and Frustrated!!


Just about everyone told me what I expected to hear ---as I said before the comments were ..."this is not the business for you."

I don't want to hear that.

I want to know why you think 100% commission is the way to go when pharmaceutical companies pay a base salary and many of their reps make over 100k a year.

I have many years sales experience in many different fields from mortgage protection insurance, viatical settlements, to selling autos, to selling investments. I have done outside sales. Great companies pay a base salary. They offer a company car. They offer gas incentives, they offer a cellphone and laptop upon hiring. They offer a contract with employee.
Now when I see that -- that is a solid company. A solid company will back it up with these incentives.

I just don't understand what the incentive of working 100% commission is when you can make "skys the limit" on commissions on base salary career and still have a base pay.

I dislike amway. I dislike priamerica. Gimmicky, 100% commision type companies. Yes amway, is MLM, etc.
Saying I will make 65k my first year or 70k my first year is sort of irresponsible on their part. When they dont know how much I will make. Maybe I will make 15k a year? Or maybe I will make 100k a year. Again, they don't know. So why spout off figures like that? Why even bring that up?
They should say...realistically you will make 20k your first year or more---and if you don't you do not belong in this business. Then after that we expect you to make 50k (or more) a year by your second year. Again, realistically speaking. But not this nonsense you will make 70k a year your first year. Come on! Bogus. Bogus. Bogus.

So J, a month later. Did you go with NYL?