Annuity Marketing

Re: Annuity marketing ?

You might try to use some catch phrase that have to deal with Qualified accounts.


There was a new headline in the Qualified accounts area about skipping next year's RMDs, without triggering the 50 percent tax penalty that would normally apply.

The rationale behind the suspension is the following:

The RMD is figured on the value of the IRA at the end of the previous year. Since 2008's stock market returns have been nothing but miserable, IRA values have shriveled.
Therefore, congress couldn't ignore that fact that it would not be in the retirees best interest to be force to take money out of IRA account while it is losing value.

Not sure if that will drive clients through the door, but it is great information for your newsletter.

I also have some qualifed money catch phrases as well if you are interested.
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I have worked with BHC and Insurmark.

I am now with The Milner Group
Real Good Systems and Mentors

Let me know if you want more information
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Re: Annuity marketing ?


I make my living selling Annuities. I have the licenses to sell Investment Products. I have chose not to for the last 5 years. I stay low key about FIA's because the Financial Guru's hate them, mostly because they don't understand them and they don't provide an income stream or add to their AUM, but that is another subject.

Patch, what does AUM mean?
Re: Annuity marketing ?

You might try to use some catch phrase that have to deal with Qualified accounts.

I also have some qualifed money catch phrases as well if you are interested.

Will you share with the forum, or should I PM you?

Arnguy: AUM = assets under management
Since we are in the business, I'm sure all of us are aware that Congress removed the minimum distribution requirement entirely for 2009. We probably make the assumption that our clients are up to speed on this as well. The fact is, they probably are not.

If you are the first to make your clients aware of this, it will demonstrate: 1) your concern for them, and 2) your expertise as an advisor and someone who keeps up with changes.

It is certainly a very good reason to make appointments. Even those who have "heard" of the change would still appreciate a full explanation.
Below are some phrases you can use in your news letter, and some other ideas that might help. Often times it is hard to type the full scope of what you are trying to convey, but I hope at least one of the things listed below helps you.

I have several other concepts that might assist you in prospecting, but let's save those for another post.

Just a suggestion:

Maybe have a section in your newsletter that stresses the importance of a financial check up with the recent downturn in our economy. You can write some brief summary of different stats and issues that have developed since this has taken place. And make note that the reason for a complete financial check up is make sure that all aspect of your financial situation are working as they should and to prevent any issues that might arise from our week economy. Encourage them to give you a call to set up a meeting, but also let them know you will be contacting them as well. In addition, mention that this financial check up is free to anyone they know of that might needs this service.
Inform your clients that here are a few questions that are going to be answered at this meeting. (you could use the pharse below to generate interest)

Here are some phrases.

1. Verify that your retirement income will not be effected by the recent economic downturn, potentially increase your retirement income, and potentially decrease your taxes.
2. Learn how to get Long Term care protection without paying any annual premiums.
3. Learn how you can avoid taking your required minimum (RMD) distribution even if you are older 70 1/2.
4. Review recent laws that have been passed that effect your RMD for 2009.
5. Discuss how to turn your existing IRA account into a tax-free account.
6. Learn a little known IRS rule that allows you recieve up to 85% tax-free income for a decade without depleting your nest egg.
7. Discover and learn if you qualify to take a RMD up to $100,000 from your IRA and not pay taxes.

You do not have to use the financial check up idea you could just use some of these points.

I also have a good article that you could include about how your clients can benefit from the following:



An article that adresses this concern and a solution..... "Six out of 10 people polled said they believe it is at least somewhat likely that the U.S. economy will enter a recession next year. Slightly more — 64 percent — said they worried about a major unexpected medical expense, and 55 percent worried that the value of their stocks and retirement investments would drop. "

Lastly, I have a great article that you might could paraphrase on "Lifetime Income For Women".

Hope something this helps.
Very nice Jason. I look forward to reading more of your posts. Will you become the markingriffin of the annuity forum?