Annuity understanding


New Member
I'm interested in expanding my client base to include annuity sales but all the carriers seem to have different offerings. I'm not sure where to turn to actually understand them so I can know which company would be the best fit for my client. Any suggestions on where to educate myself better?
Annuities are pretty diverse so knowing what kind of annuity can be a start. Many agents just pick a simple type (MYGA, Fixed, Indexed, etc) then stick with that. MYGA are an easier one to learn as they are pretty basic with a fixed rate for a certain duration, pretty much a CD alternative. Indexed on the other hand can get much more complicated.

You may want to describe your typical clients (ages, income, goals, etc) then the agents here can maybe give you a few products that will give you a starting point.
I'm interested in expanding my client base to include annuity sales but all the carriers seem to have different offerings. I'm not sure where to turn to actually understand them so I can know which company would be the best fit for my client. Any suggestions on where to educate myself better?

Also keep in mind that an Annuity is not backed by the Fed... choose your company carefully. I had a small life company recently go into recievership and felt like I had egg all over my face.