Another Piece of Murkiness


5000 Post Club
The big boys bought some time here. This is a nightmare for the libs who are trying to figure out what the picture looks like after they declare victory. Normally one sees what they are voting for before they vote and understands what they won before saying Obama has a victory but I guess that is not the modern way. Obama needs a victory so whatever passes is a victory. Fine, how are those premium costs looking down the road? Nevermind.

It looks like the way it is shaping up is that we give Obama a victory, then people start addressing health reform in the coming months. Okay fine. If you had been following Obama into combat with this kind of leadership you would be dead by now, but it would be a victory of some sort for him.

Health Insurers Win Delay on Start of $70 Billion in Added Fees -

O.K., read the link.
What about blowback?
These taxes to device and ins. companies don't kick in til 2011?
If they get crushed in the midterms ...?
Therefore its all tentative? Who knows what to think at this point?[/quote]

Ahhh........not only did I read the link, I posted it. Thus my comment "they bought some time."

It is a given that anyone buying time is looking to do something with that time.
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O.K., read the link.
What about blowback?
These taxes to device and ins. companies don't kick in til 2011?
If they get crushed in the midterms ...?
Therefore its all tentative? Who knows what to think at this point?

Ahhh........not only did I read the link, I posted it. Thus my comment "they bought some time."[/quote]

I meant that I read the link ...
Of course you posted it ...? So what do you think? Will this b.s. get scrapped if they get their just deserts come the mids?
Of course you posted it ...? So what do you think? Will this b.s. get scrapped if they get their just deserts come the mids?

No to it being scrapped. I come back to the same comment. For those who think short term things are okay. Long term the health system in this country has entered a lobster trap and chances of finding your way out again are practically nil. But it is going to be a mess. Holy Guacamole, what a mess. As those of us in GI states have already experienced, government intervention only begets more government intervention even if government intervention is the root cause of the problem. The Canadian system is going to look good to the public before this over. Of course that is part of the Cleavage-Pivens plan or whatever.

There is no history of government programs devolving in this country once started. And without the public option the libs will want to accomplish their goals by hyper-regulation of the private sector. As stated, we have entered the lobster trap, long term anyway. You dont see the libs sitting back and grinning with that "Obama has been elected and elections bring change look do you." They know its a mess too and just like the conservatives they can't wait to start amending this cesspool they created. Year after year.

It will take most of next year though to figure out the implications of what they pass though. Just in time for the elections. And then you have to figure out what will hold up after the elections. Year after year. The Republicans did not want to present a Plan B and chose to either try to defeat it or live with the brush pile that is passed. They are responsible for that so hopefully that will work out for them. Good luck.

Change you can believe in.
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No to it being scrapped. I come back to the same comment. For those who think short term things are okay. Long term the health system in this country has entered a lobster trap and chances of finding your way out again are practically nil. But it is going to be a mess. Holy Guacamole, what a mess. As those of us in GI states have already experienced, government intervention only begets more government intervention even if government intervention is the root cause of the problem. The Canadian system is going to look good to the public before this over. Of course that is part of the Cleavage-Pivens plan or whatever.

There is no history of government programs devolving in this country once started. And without the public option the libs will want to accomplish their goals by hyper-regulation of the private sector. As stated, we have entered the lobster trap, long term anyway. You dont see the libs sitting back and grinning with that "Obama has been elected and elections bring change look do you." They know its a mess too and just like the conservatives they can't wait to start amending this cesspool they created. Year after year.

It will take most of next year though to figure out the implications of what they pass though. Just in time for the elections. And then you have to figure out what will hold up after the elections. Year after year. The Republicans did not want to present a Plan B and chose to either try to defeat it or live with the brush pile that is passed. They are responsible for that so hopefully that will work out for them. Good luck.

Change you can believe in.

Will they get "it" through on Mon. morning?
Will they get "it" through on Mon. morning?

I actually havent followed it for the last day or two but if they are putting it up for a vote they will get it through. That is the job of the Majority Whip to make sure the votes are there if the majority is the one forcing the vote. Otherwise they would be eager to move it out until the votes are there. In the house you could frig up on the count because there are so many members and so many maybe's but they should have a handle on whether the votes are there or not in the Senate. There is no one left who is waffling is there? Except the loon in Vermont. Lieberman has gotten his concessions which were major and Nelson has been bought so why wouldnt the votes be there unless Roland Burris decides he needs some pocket money as the Chicagoans are prone to do. Moveon and the extremists are trying to get Bernie Sandpaper to cave but I dont know about that. Of course the nature of a loon is that it is a loon.

Expect it to be in the house soon. And for there to be major theatrics and grandstanding and then for some lukewarm, totally gutted (which it is already) bill to be signed by Obama about the third week in January. That is just my thoughts. I am not stating it as a prediction or anything.

Here is the piece that I don't have a good handle on: The Blue Dogs over in the House certainly have not gotten any less blue since the last time they looked at the bill given the way the national debt is going. And we are closer to the elections now. It is just a mindshift that sets in for them once January is upon us. And some of the not-so-blue dems could be more blue by now, certainly not less blue. I dont want to overanalyze it but realistically it did only pass by a few votes so small factors have big influence. And there are too many members of the house to bribe all of them although they will try but it is more work to keep that many people in line. In other words, it is about the economy with the voters. If the house realizes that, it could go rough. I just dont know if they are still in the trance state or not. That's the part I can't figure out. When is the buzzer going to go off for them? This side of the vote or the other side? Because it is coming.
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In other words, it is about the economy with the voters. If the house realizes that, it could go rough. I just dont know if they are still in the trance state or not. That's the part I can't figure out. When is the buzzer going to go off for them? This side of the vote or the other side? Because it is coming.

Well, this is the thing isn't it?
It sure seems like this thing will be a disaster?
61% of Americans right now are opposed and they haven't gotten the bill yet.
People are busy, especially this time of year ... I worry about the "lightswitch" mentality. You know, "It won't hurt to try it their way for a while ... if it doesn't work, we can always go back to the old system ..."
Of course legistlation don't work dat way ...
This socialistic garbage just saps the life out of me I'll tell you that much. Soul sucking c*ck suckers. Over 10 years to get things built up only to have the wind knocked out of our sails for now and possibly the rug pulled out from under us before this is over.