Another Soon to Be Agent.


New Member
Hey Guys,

First off I'd like to say "Hi" and "Thanks" for looking at my 1st post. I am new here, but I have been reading posts on here for about a week (doesn't say much though). I'm creating this post because I am new to this industry, as well as young, and motivated. But ever since I found this forum I've started to get nervous. Mainly for 2 reasons. A) I just passed my exam and entered into the "what now" phase. B) I entered this business through Primerica. Now I haven't been with them long, about a month. And it seems that Primerica doesn't have a good reputation on here. And since I signed up with them, I feel like I made a bad decision. So, I have started to look into other companies like Health choice one and Fidelity. But my question is: "Should I get out of Primerica and go to Health Choice One, or another company like that?"

Thank you for your time and advice.
Primerica and HCO are two very different companies.

Why did you get into insurance?
What products are you looking to market?
What type of marketing are you doing?
"Why did you get into insurance?"

The reason why I decided to enter in the insurance market is because of the way my job was going, as in nowhere fast. And the allure of commissions. I have no problem with commission pay because I have a great work ethic and attitude, due to these reasons I believe that I will go far in insurance sales. As long as I have the proper mind set and guidance.

What products are you looking to market?

Well, at the moment I am focused on Life Insurance products, since I just passed my Life Insurance exam. I'd like to get into health at some point. These are my main focuses at this point in time.

What type of marketing are you doing?

At the moment, not a whole lot. Besides signing up on Networking sites like LinkedIn, etc..

P.S. The thing about my "recruiter" is that, from personal experiences, it seems to me that "they" focus more on recruiting. Because I'm supposed to be thinking of people who I think would be a "good fit" for Primerica, out of my friends and family instead of setting up my new "Business". And that seems kind of shady to me.

Thanks. I hope I answered your questions properly.
Get out of Primerica. Metlife, AGLA, Combined, or Western Southern are options.
On another thread I mentioned that new new agents should write business plans and with you it's no exception.

To relate this another way: A dentist doesn't get of dental school and go "now what", and this is much less skilled than that.

Frankly, the country is full of licensed agents and very few actually make a career of it. If you're going to focus on life insurance, develop a legitimate marketing plan. If you're going to focus on health insurance (for whatever reason), right a marketing plan, if you're going to focus on, well, I hope you get the idea.

There isn't a bucket of gold waiting to be had buy getting an insurance license. The commissions are quite lucrative, but there is a LOT of competition. If you don't want to fail like the overwhelming majority of them, you need to do something different.

Have you attended any of the iliaa webinars? I believe you can join for free now (trial period), but you can get a lot of great information to get started with there.

Do you have any marketing plans or systems in place?
Thank you.

On another thread I mentioned that new new agents should write business plans and with you it's no exception.

Yes I did read your post on writing a business plan and have set aside time this week to do just that.

Have you attended any of the iliaa webinars?

No I haven't attended any iliaa webinars but will get right on it.

Do you have any marketing plans or systems in place?

At this point in time I do not. Since you included in your post I will get right on that ASAP.

Thank you very much Josh and xrac for your time and advice, It's very appreciated.
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Hey Guys,

First off I'd like to say "Hi" and "Thanks" for looking at my 1st post. I am new here, but I have been reading posts on here for about a week (doesn't say much though). I'm creating this post because I am new to this industry, as well as young, and motivated. But ever since I found this forum I've started to get nervous. Mainly for 2 reasons. A) I just passed my exam and entered into the "what now" phase. B) I entered this business through Primerica. Now I haven't been with them long, about a month. And it seems that Primerica doesn't have a good reputation on here. And since I signed up with them, I feel like I made a bad decision. So, I have started to look into other companies like Health choice one and Fidelity. But my question is: "Should I get out of Primerica and go to Health Choice One, or another company like that?"

Thank you for your time and advice.

My situation is a bit like yours, S. What I have found is that various Insurance companies have their own "personality" or "culture" just like any other business or industry. I have also found that there is a reason that some companies snap-up individuals by the gross and pee-through those candidates in short order. That said here are a couple of things I have picked-up along the way.

a.) Have a sound reason for getting into the career you have chosen. A number of my family members have been very successful in their chosen fields and any one of those siblings will tell you that whatever their field they ran into people who thought being, say, an MD, or a Teacher was the Highway to recognition and a good income. It does not work that way. Probably the worse thing about this sort of thinking is that such attitudes mean that you will always have one foot pointed towards the door and you will never succeed being only partially committed.

b.) Don't listen to the nay-sayers, especially the ones that tell you that you are "wasting your time" or that there is a "better" way to do things. Get a mentor, or identify someone who is succeeding and do what that person is doing. Offices are full of s***-house authorities who are long on talk and short on results.

c.) If you have a dream, don't sell that dream----or yourself-- short. What I mean by this is that people spend a lot of time worrying about keeping the company happy. I'm here to tell you that if the company is not worried about keeping YOU happy---that is, about seeing you succeed in making your dream happen-- you are selling yourself short and you don't deserve that. You have the right to expect that the company will have your back, and your success is as important to them as it is to you.

d.) As much as I appreciate the idea of having a marketing plan, I also know the importance of having a Personal Plan as well. There is a reason that people with sound, steady work habits succeed where the corner-cutters fail. Identify a reasonable set of daily work goals and pace yourself for a horizon that is twice what you were expecting. This is not a sprint; its a marathon. FWIW.

Best Wishes,

Bruce ;)
Sumatrax as you new to the industry you mentioned you are currently with Primerica. It might not be a good idea to post about them as they may not like it. I don't know if they still do but at one time someone did monitor message boards.

I'm sure if you read your IBA they probably have something in there about online postings.
Thanks for all the helpful advice guys its really appreciated. I will take what you all have to say seriously and apply them to this situation as best as I can. Thanks Guys!