Answering Objections

One of the most important things about selling, that very few people talk about, is figuring out who to spend your time on. We've all heard these fantastic stories about turning a no into a yes and this and that and this and that. If you can ask the proper questions and weave through, and listen carefully, and figure out who might actually buy, you are on a winning path.

The best thing I ever heard during a sales training course.

"I get to pick which stories I'm going to tell you. Naturally I'm going to tell you about my wins, the time I went up against the impossible and won. What I and generally everyone else won't do is tell you about all the times we lost. We're going to make ourselves look good as a sales trainer."

She was completely honest up front, and then of course proceeded to normal sales training.
I appreciate all of your responses. I’ve made 180 or so calls so far and I got 1 pretty solid lead on a group with 80 employees with health, Ltd, std, life, dental & vision. Should at least get to take a stab at it but not until next year.

I’ve also gotten a ton of names in terms of who handles the benefits at the companies and I’ve gotten maybe 10 or so to tell me when their renewal is.

Hard to stay motivated to call but it’s more productive then sitting around waiting for something to happen.