Anthem Reform Udate

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Just got this week's Anthem update on health reform, could quotes from the email:

Republicans and Democrats Back Medical Device Industry: Countering Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee who view medical device manufacturers as contributing to increasing health care costs, Democrats and Republicans from Minnesota, Indiana, New Jersey and other states have banded together to defend the industry in their home states. Last week, the Senate Finance Committee approved a $40 billion fee on device makers over the next 10 years.

How does the government just decide to charge a $40 billion fee to one industry? Seriously, what the hell is going on these days.

Insurance Industry Antitrust Exemption Under Scrutiny: Top Senate Democrats Harry Reid, Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced Wednesday that they are inclined to incorporate an amendment into the health care reform legislation to strip the health insurance industry of its exemption from federal antitrust laws. Also on Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee voted 20-9 to end the industry exemption that dates back to 1945. If enacted, the measure would increase federal regulation over the insurance industry.

Just keep chipping away at the private carriers until the single payer system is the only options. More regulation is the answer.
Just got this week's Anthem update on health reform, could quotes from the email:

How does the government just decide to charge a $40 billion fee to one industry? Seriously, what the hell is going on these days

You are putting your finger on a serious issue. The dems are have political problems trying to raise taxes on the middle class or implementing a nationwide VAT. So, they are following a piecemeal strategy of implementing taxes at each level of the supply chain. No one cares about medical device manufacturers so tax em. Of course who do they pass the cost along to?

In my state premiums are so high and so goofy and so many tax schemes have been tried that it is absurd. The gig now is that there is a tax on claims. Surprisingly this has not reduced premiums.

Change you can believe in.
You are putting your finger on a serious issue. The dems are have political problems trying to raise taxes on the middle class or implementing a nationwide VAT. So, they are following a piecemeal strategy of implementing taxes at each level of the supply chain. No one cares about medical device manufacturers so tax em. Of course who do they pass the cost along to?

In my state premiums are so high and so goofy and so many tax schemes have been tried that it is absurd. The gig now is that there is a tax onclaims. Surprisingly this has not reduced premiums.

Change you can believe in.

Pass the buck oblivion.

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