Anthem Requested Rate Increase

What does med-supp premiums have to do with individual health insurance?

Nothing. I am such a dolt as I did not realize which forum I was in and do not have a valid excuse/reason/scapegoat, etc. Sorry about that.

If State Farm's life insurance was profitable and their car insurance became unprofitable, do you think they would raise the car insurance rates, or would they just say "well, our life insurance is profitable....we'll just let the auto insurance operate at a loss"?

A couple of things here.
Looks like I made a mess with my post as I did not catch Winter's reference of how ME looked at the company's bottom line at a national level and not in the state. That is wrong and is a mess.

To comment on your point, I did not state that they should operate at a loss, but there needs to be some fair regulation, otherwise I would imagine price wars occuring similar to the airline industry (one raises, they all raise, whether the reason is justifiable or not)

I'll make sure to read the header in the post before commenting as it was the first time I used the "new posts since your last login" feature from the main page.

Sorry for any pain/anger I may have caused.
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They already do this on the P&C side. Try to find a carrier still offering HO insurance in FL.

I can relate to this...
Just switched from State Farm HO (they decide to remain in the state, but decided not to renew 15% of their policies) to 1 of a few (I think the current number is 2) companies that are writing HO policies in FL.

Rate went from 2800 to 1100 with a 500 ded as opposed to a 2% ded.:biggrin:
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This is in their Individual Health area... Hey Winter how come we don't hear about Dirigo increases because I know for a fact that they also have large increases.

There may be more to this story than we think as if there is not enough already. As you recall, Anthem took over Dirigo probably as a way of playing ball with the state or hoping for some assured cash. Then they ran it is as long as they could and dumped it back on to the state when it turned out to be a process of pouring money down a rathole/ Probably the state is punishing them now. I think this is how it went anyway. I actually dont follow it that closely because it is just an observer game for most indpendent agents in Maine (hint, there is a reason for that, and overly discussed so dont ask). I think Harvard Pilgrim runs it now or something. I dont know. Its a regular teaberry shuffle.

Three weeks ago the papers reported that Dirigo said they could not pay back the 25 million loan the state gave them to prop them up. A few days later the dirigo folks said that is not so. Okay fine. Whatever. To me there is not much difference between being completely broke and being completely and totally broke so I will let the pundits sort that out.

Then last week the papers reported that the govenor has ordered dirigo to move as many people from dirigo over on to medicaid as they can force fit. That shouldnt be that hard considering they only got about 15,000 people in to the program to begin with, or something close to that..

Yup. Looking zippy in Maine. The whole country needs a program like this. In fact, the whole country is about to get one like this.

Change you can believe in.
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Looking zippy in Maine. The whole country needs a program like this. In fact, the whole country is about to get one like this.

All I can say is, if you're right, and they get GI, game over for indie health.
It will disolve and then Nancy gets her way. I'm ready to go into something else at this point if necessary.
Can we hold out until an admin. change? If they are going to get GI then when? GI or P. option, either will kill it.
Fact is, if they don't get either, as Winter has stated, they will continue to throw as much damaging legistlation as possible at the beast until it dies anyway. As they are doing with ARRA. That's the b*stard of it.
Until Nancy, Harry and Barry are gonzo, there will be no peace
They gotta go.