Anthem Was Hacked

Hackers go for high profile targets (no pun intended). Anthem is about as big as you can get.

No word about how they got in, if through or another way.

Cybersecurity is low priority for most companies. They only spend the money after the attack. They aren't pro-active.

Plenty of ways to get in and most hacks aren't that sophisticated. They usually get in via a weakness in the website or via email.
Anyone have the contact info for the hackers?

I have some clients that need their policy number, and new ID card ordered.
Just got an update from them, they are coming out to say they were hacked, but they dont think payment details were hacked.
Is this the first health insurer this has happened to?

got 2 calls already this am about it.

Sounds like SSN's may have been taken. That's not good....

As to the rest of the comments - pretty funny - agreed, maybe if we can get in contact with the hackers they can do a better job of getting us info when needed....

the new "agency services" division is now located somewhere in Russia... :D
I don't know what they are doing now, but as Wellpoint then Anthem started gobbling up BX plans trying to merge the data was almost impossible. Guy I know here in Atlanta was a programmer for BCBSGA at one time and said their system was archaic, only slightly better than the federal govt but not by much.

Would not surprise me if the data was not encrypted.

Local (major) hospital had a weakness in their webpage where you could schedule doc appointments. Through that page you could access all personnel and patient data.

When they discovered the problem (thanks to a tip from one of their employees that saw the information on a hacker site) rather than fixing the problem they took down the page.
I don't sell health coverage.

I had a meeting with a couple in their mid 30s, both children of 'old money' and both are born of the blue-bood, country-club, so-called Republican 'elite' who claim to be socially moderate (they're ok with gay rights and sex education etc.) but are fiscally conservative.

They said that this Anthem hack is leading them to support the end of the insurance corporation system of running healthcare and just letting the government be the single payor and put everyone on Medicare like their parents are on and just raise taxes to cover it.

They said there is no difference to them paying Anthem verses paying the IRS each year. They are also fed up with what they had to go through with PPACA.

I wonder if others will feel the same way about insurance companies after tens of millions have their identity stolen because Anthem didn't want to spend the money necessary to encrypt the files?
Carriers are the institutions consumers love to hate and this is nothing new.

They also hate banks, oil companies, pharmaceutical firms, retailers like WalMart. Any big company that makes a profit.

For some reason they never hate Apple or Microsoft.

If consumers think the govt is a safe haven for your information and is more efficient than private industry then they are just plain misinformed, delusional or both.
I hate Microsoft.

Has anyone heard if our agent information was part of this? Will our checks be affected?