Anybody Selling IAC?

An agent's integrity is always under attack by carrier reps/programs/bonuses.

I suppose the temptation is there. Personally, I never pay any attention to any of the gimmicks the carriers put forth to generate business. If they want my business they have to earn it, but my recommendation is not for sale.

My clients make their own decision to a point. If they demanded Right Start they'd find another broker.

Same here.

I start with 4 - 5 plans and we work from there. About 90% or more end up with a high deductible HSA or Monogram type plan. Ultimately they decide.

I tell all of them it is their plan and their money. What they want is up to them.

If they want a Saver plan or something that does not cover Rx I tell them they will have to deal with someone else. about just put out a plan that has everything a person needs in it at a good that to much to ask....

As far as the rest of the comment - I can at least see where you were aiming but this sounds more to me like you're calling out the integrity of agents, not the carrier.
That would depend on how thorough your presentation is.

I don't see anything wrong with this statement

IAC was not the designer - only the manpower behind the process.

The IHC Group had 3 administrative companies performing similar functions and as such was spending too much money on redundant operations. We combined all three companies, IAC, HPA and IHC HS (of Minn) into one company - IHC Health Solutions - to eliminate some of the confusion as well as redundant expenses.
Good job Ry Guy! You can handle these guys! lol Doug K