Interesting that you are only counting the advanced portion. Good luck to you guys. Seems like an okay gig.
For me, and I'm certainly not trying to speak for anyone else, I do. I look at the advance portion ongoing, as that's my upfront weekly commission deposit, and I look at my as earned as my gravy and just the consistently building "pay raise" I'm always growing underneath me from just my own production of course. The as earned is certainly there and my retention is very good actually, but for me it's what I'm working with in the now and not what I'm projecting out 9 months from now. After all, the money I have coming in this week, out of that has to come the money I need for leads next week and I can't pay for that out of my as earned.
It really is a good gig and, as I've said throughout, it just comes down to following the system. I do appreciate your thoughts and the exchange is always enjoyable. Best to you as well, pcb