Anyone Deal with Lifetel Web or

Hi Insurance folks. I'm new to this and just signed up with LifeTel. I'm excited to get started. Is anyone a manager on here for LifeTel? How does it work? Thanks
Hi Insurance folks. I'm new to this and just signed up with LifeTel. I'm excited to get started. Is anyone a manager on here for LifeTel? How does it work? Thanks

Hello Diesel :) As I've posted through the thread, I joined the company in mid April of last year and became part of their management program in January '17. Welcome to the ranks! What would you like to know? Are you asking specifically about their management model?
Mike, thanks for the reply. I just signed up today and talked to Jim and I have been emailing Elly, But since you have experience and on the forum site ill ask you. Maybe I read all these comments from the beginning lol. Do you need to have a certain amount of days to be a manager? and what % of overrides do you receive of each member under you? Also is it a good idea to get a licensed in other states from the start? or should I wait until I have some experience first. I only have my MD license. Thank you for the help again sir.
Mike, thanks for the reply. I just signed up today and talked to Jim and I have been emailing Elly, But since you have experience and on the forum site ill ask you. Maybe I read all these comments from the beginning lol. Do you need to have a certain amount of days to be a manager? and what % of overrides do you receive of each member under you? Also is it a good idea to get a licensed in other states from the start? or should I wait until I have some experience first. I only have my MD license. Thank you for the help again sir.

I don't think anyone would say outright that you have to be working "x" number of days to be one of the managers, but it's a full time job when you add in the management responsibilities. You have to be "available" to your people and some, no disrespect to anybody, are just very needy. The frustrating one's are the people who are seemingly just incapable of even attempting to figure out anything for themselves and they can really put a strain on your time. I can say from my direct experience that you can work effectively with a ton a schedule flexibility just writing personally. Again though, once you add the management part in to the mix as well, you're working full time and some times even and then some.

My override % comes down to where I place people under me. LifeTel gives you certain guidelines, as far as minimum commission levels and maximum levels, but ultimately it's up to me. As they suggested during our management training, "hold more points on those who need more handholding and less points on those who are mostly plug and play". Plus, "leave some room to reward and move those up who are deserving and proving themselves". It's good advice and that's what I'm trying to do. All and all though, I'm holding 5% minimum up to as much as 20%. I already have a few newbie's and they take a lot of work and time LOL.

You're last question is one really to ask directly to LifeTel, because it will come down to leads and availability. I would tell you that if you're just getting selling personally, I wouldn't jump in to more states than you need to right off and LifeTel will of course tell you any other states that might be needed and helpful. If you plan on ultimately trying to get in to their management system, plan on picking up several states fairly quickly and the expense of our own non-resident licenses is strictly on us. I'm in almost 20 states already and I'm just trying to pick them up as I go and as agents start to write business. That's actually working and going well and that's also mostly what was suggested during manager training.

Hope this helps you :)
Thanks Mike, I just read the entire thread you seem very on point. I appreciate the help and I'm sure the others on here do as well. Ill just do it step by step and go from there. I'm about to start the beginning phase of the training and getting on with the carriers. Your have not been here that long and already a manager. Good job. This definitely seems like a better route then the other company I was going to work for. They drive all over the place but you get to work from home. Here you get the best of both worlds. Thanks again Mike.
Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum and have worked the phones for about a week with LifeTel. I'm still trying to find my groove there. But I appreciate and learn much from reading the entire thread. Most helpful are from mikeyv7 and broncos12 who took the time to share in detail of their experience.
Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum and have worked the phones for about a week with LifeTel. I'm still trying to find my groove there. But I appreciate and learn much from reading the entire thread. Most helpful are from mikeyv7 and broncos12 who took the time to share in detail of their experience.

Hello catxoh7 :) Well, you got your first week under your belt. Good job! Like anything and like you'd expect, it just takes a little time to ramp up, build your pipeline and get your rhythm. But as long as you just stay at it, stay consistent and let the numbers work in your favor, you'll find your "groove". Monday starts another brand new week of production, board's cleared and we're all back once again at the starting gate ready for this week's trip around the track. Let 4/10, April second week of production 2017 begin! ;)
Hello catxoh7 :) Well, you got your first week under your belt. Good job! Like anything and like you'd expect, it just takes a little time to ramp up, build your pipeline and get your rhythm. But as long as you just stay at it, stay consistent and let the numbers work in your favor, you'll find your "groove". Monday starts another brand new week of production, board's cleared and we're all back once again at the starting gate ready for this week's trip around the track. Let 4/10, April second week of production 2017 begin! ;)

Thanks for your encouragement!
hey mikeyv7 and broncos12 and any who are selling,
which states have been successful for you when ordering B leads?
Cant afford the A's until i start writing some.

hey mikeyv7 and broncos12 and any who are selling,
which states have been successful for you when ordering B leads?
Cant afford the A's until i start writing some.


I almost hate to say, because it's been working so well, but I've been buying UT and ID B Leads like crazy. Reason being, I think there's just overall less competition out there in general. For example, you can buy plenty of TX leads, the people are friendly and I believe personally that TX is a good "insurance state". That all being said, there are lots more agents and groups mailing out there and you automatically know that the volume of competition is that much greater. Since we don't have to go out and see these people anyway, it only stands to reason to buy B's in areas that are smaller and therefore less agent saturated. For me, I'm trying to buy them again in the smaller and more out of the way markets, as opposed to the larger obviously harder hit states and areas.