Anyone done an ACA app yet where the dependents can drop off employer coverage & get a tax credit?

Yes, and the other issue my upline, where we have a VP of compliance, mentioned that any group that does this who has a renewal date other than January 1, would have to modify their "plan" if they are doing Section 125 Premium Only Plan pre-tax payroll deductions to allow for an off renewal qualifying event to drop dependent coverage. So even if the person qualfies, the employer may not be able to allow it. There is a SHRM article about that.
I have one but it's an LOC SEP, so I asked her to wait until next week. My favorite in AZ told me to go through the FFM (not Sherp).

It's going to be a cluster.
Updating. I've done a couple (both with Sherp) and the dependents are under 150% FPL, so the SEP applies. It works. The questions walk you through it.
Yes automatic--a rep at helped with the understanding. I have done a couple of them now. What I did was work with 2 employees of the same company, and coincided it with their open enrollment so the family could drop off without the employer needing to modify their Section 125 premium only plan docs to allow this affordability SEP.
True some employers may not know about the need to modify plan docs, but if larger they should.
Am I being too precious about the employer IRS/DOL compliance issue? In the glitch webinar from my upline that was mentioned. If you know about employer group compliance you know what I am talking about with Section 125. I joke with employees that signing up for group coverage is like Hotel California, you can never leave (except at the compliant times) not just when you feel like it.