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I have been looking for good annuities for the long-term growth part of a plan or possibly putting part in a life settlement. I think for the first bucket a 5 year fixed annuity around 5% might be better than most SPIAs. The intermediate bucket could be a 8 year fixed annuity around 6%.
The last bucket I have been looking at Annexus or maybe a life sttlement where I might invest in a pool of policies of at least 4 individuals. I have heard that life stllements can provide around 10 to 15%. I am lerry of most managed money.
Anyone know a good life settlement company where they do not use offshore trusts? What are the realistic returns? Does the client have to kick in more money after the 4th year if the people do not die? I contacted Life Partners who are supposed to be the best but no one has sent me any info which is weird. Thanks.
The last bucket I have been looking at Annexus or maybe a life sttlement where I might invest in a pool of policies of at least 4 individuals. I have heard that life stllements can provide around 10 to 15%. I am lerry of most managed money.
Anyone know a good life settlement company where they do not use offshore trusts? What are the realistic returns? Does the client have to kick in more money after the 4th year if the people do not die? I contacted Life Partners who are supposed to be the best but no one has sent me any info which is weird. Thanks.