Anyone Have Any Suggest Annuities for the Growth Bucket? Life Partners

Are you trying to create an income ladder? If not; what is the purpose of the money?

Say you are using the 3 buckets:

First bucket short-term in say a SPIA. 2 to 4%

Second bucket a 8 year or so Fixed annuity at 5.75% maybe or maybe 5.5%..

Third bucket is for growth. Usually in most software programs the default is 6%. I think alot of retirees might see 6% in bucket 3 and say "my broker can do better."

Some people might use an ETF or mutual fund hoping for 8% but illustrating say 7%. What EIA would you use and relatistically what could the LT return be? 7%.

Would anyone try say 1/3 in a Fixed at 5.75%, 1/3 in an EIA say 7% illustration and 1/3 in premium finance (buying polocies sold by 70 to 85 year olds with an expected life span of 4 years) where the prem finance company says as much as 10-14% but illustrate at 8.5%.

So the 1/3,1/3,1/3 bucket could be 5.75% + 7% + 8.5% = 21.25% /3= 7.08% for the third bucket.

Anyone doing anything like that for the third bucket or any other ideas?
The problem with investing in Premium Financing is that the growth/life expectancy is speculative. Sure everything is speculative when you are dealing with anything other than a guaranteed rate; but it is an easier pitch.

Another downside is:

Where is the life expectancy going?.........(TIP)= You can look at the last three mortality tables that have been released for the answer.

If it in fact is increasing; what will that do for the profits of the premium financing companies, and for the returns that they are paying to their investors?

The rebuttal; when faced with "My broker can do better" is he/she may, but they can not guarantee.

What if your broker suggested, several years back, that you invest in blue chips? They are relatively safe, and have a long track record of increase and dividend payments. ( This is what they teach you to say in Broker School.....LOL) You took your brokers advice,......... and invested in lets say............ GM.

Where would you be now? (Taking a 3K loss on your taxes a year for how long?)

Now obviously before having this conversation the agent needs to be careful, or be securities licensed; I would suggest being licensed..........LOL.

Mainly when I deal with Income ladders, I am dealing with senior aged individuals who want a guarantee, as opposed to having faith in the market.