Anyone Have Experience with Assurity?


New Member
New agent here, Assurity seems to have great renewals but the consensus seems to be a long and tedious POS interview from what I've read on here. Seen a few posts about agents trying to give Assurity feedback to change this. Anyone have any recent experience with Assurity, should I still stay away? Also they don't have a prescription guide book how am I supposed to know what is and isn't allowed?

Thanks to all!
Don't waste your time until you develop into a more experience final expense agent.

Spend your beginning months working with final expense carriers that "get" the final expense business.

Trinity/Family Benefit, Security National, Aetna, etc.
I have tried them many times and always the same answer-the are horrible!
Their interviews are the worst too. I love their renewals but all it takes it losing a customer when they should qualify with Assurity based on guidelines and they do not. Some customers take it personally and that is all it took. Very very tight underwriting. Even when you get a risk assesment, tell them all the conditions/medicines you think great. Only to get decline or a graded when you were told level. It's too bad but I have removed them from my portfolio. They bring nothing to the table that other carriers cannot do.
I like them as a niche company. They approve a few odd cases that don't get approved elsewhere. But the easy cases that everyone else wants get unpredictable declines with Assurity.

Also good for small non-med term cases, Critical illness (both simplified and fully underwritten and disability.

You can't make a main carrier out of them but nice to have sometimes.
Don't waste your time with them. They don't care to be in the FE business and don't even realize that their SIWL product is squarely in this market. I have always said you can get approvals for either the folks that have never had any health issues or for folks who have one foot in the coffin but nothing in between.

I guess the biggest complaint is that they aren't consistent. You don't need to do an interview for folks under 60 but they will still order one on more than half the cases...good luck getting your client to pick up the phone. Oftentimes even if you do an interview you will not get a decision either way. They have a decent product but just won't get put of their own darn way.

As one of the previous posters said you need to find a carrier that wants to be in this business. Look at SNL, Foresters, Aetna, etc. These are great carriers that WANT your business and are very predictable and consistent.
Assurity openly says that their SIWL is not a FE policy, even though they know it is. They think this will keep agents from sending them their junk. Instead it just keeps agents from sending them anything at all. As far as their non-med term, they just took a pretty hefty rate increase which makes them all but non-competitive. They have some solid critical illness plans and a decent DI product as well. They just don't know which direction they want to take the company so it's causing them issues.
I hate to be one to swim against the current, but I've written about 8 SI cases with them in the last 10 months, and all but one have sailed through with no problems at all. That one was an ownership problem.

According to them, a daughter does not have an insurable interest in her father and cannot be the owner unless they are in business together, co signers on a mortgage, etc.

They are not a go to company for sure, but they do have a place. Also, they have better long term commissions than any other carrier I have.
According to them, a daughter does not have an insurable interest in her father and cannot be the owner unless they are in business together, co signers on a mortgage, etc.

Whoever told you this needs training because it is not accurate.