Anyone Worked with Global Premier Benefits

Yes and if you put your personal business in there they keep it and give it to other agents too. I did find the perfect platform with Precision. The release is really one that no FMO wants to sign. You have to sign a release that says if i want to come back to them, they have to release me. I have no intentions of going back but it has been a nightmare to get out of their system. Being captive with Cigna Healthspring is a problem. They do buy the leads but they are recycled to death and most of their are years old. Its true they will give you 5 newer leads for every sale but they hang onto them so long that the people have already chosen a plan so to me they are useless. Theycharge 225.00 per month for the telesales seat, but to use it they actually treat you like a employee even though you are a independent contractor. I wish i knew how to get that release done. They are holding my contracts hostage as far as I'moncerned. I no longer work for their telesales and yet all my contracts are telesales only. Precision already has a open release policy and they said no carrier requires their type of release. WHAT A HEADACHE
Worst case, 6 months of no production {with Cigna and any other contracts you have with GPB} is an automatic release. Your residuals with Cigna do stay with Global though, as I understand it...
They are paid directly to me. They dont keep them. Im glad they did not get Aetna. I am going to call Precision tomorrow and see if i can get them to sign off on it. I hope that will as a special favor and if not, I will not be able to work for them. I would hate that.
Tony the owner or fmo is an absolute slimeball. He wears purple 3 piece suits and thinks he looks good. He looks like a broke Detroit pimp. Felicia their contractor is worthless. I was hired 2 months ago ,licensed and Cigna certified!!!!! And I sit here today with no idea how long it's going to take me to be able to the sell. Of course Tony promised all these wonderful hot Arizona leaves fresh off the press. Not recycled like all the other post said. Excellent hot fresh leads!?

I saw some people are phone sales. I've done phone sales.. I know about the 20 Page CMS and no thank you .. but that's common not only with Tony's Bozo group. I don't want anything to do with phone sales.. I'd rather pay for gasoline and get out and see the country ..I worked for Blue Cross Blue Shield in a large call center.. I'm going to go to the people's house ,or they're going to come to my office. I have a retail brick-and-mortar office ....

These people don't care about you or I would already have my leads. Two months later.They are bold-faced liars ,excuse makers and Tony is a loser narcissist..

It doesn't take someone over 2 months to start selling, when they're licensed and Cigna certified going in

. So unless you want your family to be in bankruptcy don't rely on these losers.. And I mean if you need the money. If you're a millionaire and 3/4s retired ,and you just want to work with Tony because you're bored. Then possibly, but otherwise he will just go about his business ,and not give one care about the new reps..Just lies.. I called him in February personally and said per your contract or up I need to start selling by March 1st and today is April 1st and I have no idea what's going on their contractors make an invisible hurt hurdles she's about sounds like 65 years old and acts like a juvenile immature big ego excuse maker.....

I believe Tony also lies in his recruiting pitch. As far as I'm concerned. I'm going to ask for proof on what he said here, real soon. But I'm going to escalate the case with Cigna,because I'd rather go work for a different company, but stay with Cigna.

I don't think my blood needs to be boiling by just .Being a nice hard-working sales professional, looking for a better opportunity .And 2 months later I'm writing the worst reviews that I possibly can. PG of course..Itd be easy to let the 4 letter words fly on Tony...And I'm looking for other sites to add some reviews also. This company is a pure pathetic joke. From A to Z. And Tony is the leader of this joke which makes him a joke....

If anyone knows of a good company in Phoenix Arizona where I can get paid the State Maximum....

This has been such a horrible unbelievable experience that I'm beyond besides myself...I just I have to end this email because I just can't stand them..
I contracted with them a few years back but never wrote any business. My first "upline" was one of T.H.'s cronies in the Philly area. He gave me a big song and dance about how great it all was. He was pimpish, too with the suits and shiny car. Then Cigna HS was sanctioned, so not much went on.

The second upline from TX fed me a line of crap about the virtual call center and I dropped out after four hours of their b.s. training. They did release me without a fight. Although you weren't "captive," they recommended being on the phone eight hours a day to make one sale, except during the AEP "free for all." And they had a lot of annoying rah-rah meetings, including at 12:00 pm on Saturdays. They kept sending me annoying texts and emails about their program and it took a long time to make them finally go away!

They are always trolling for agents on Craigslist. I think it's still for Cigna HS and now Clover. A friend of mine was all gung-ho on Tony's program a few months back. She wanted to buy 10 "fresh" T65 leads weekly at $20 a pop and sell over the phone, then also work in the field, but it's all or nothing with them. You can't be both a virtual and a field agent, so she scrapped that idea.
Tony is a lying scumbag.Hes lying when his lip are moving..I filed a complaint against him with Cigna Corporation today!04/02/2019..He had my release signed today..I called him a loser narcissist,and he sent it right over..Theres a tip for anyone..I berated him,like the lil girl he is..And he folded...He has no back bone..Just talk to him like a little girl,walk over him.Hes a born loser! Hes why i want to get into insurance..If this loser can make money,ill kill it!Im new to the game..And what a joke of a game its been so far...Thank tony for nothing...Hes a time wasting loser! I detest him and his worthless group,..I cant say 1 nice thing about him..Not 1....STAY AWAY AT ALL COSTS..YOULL JUST WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY!

it's one thing to call someone a liar, but it's another thing when you have documented proof ,he's a liar. I found out yesterday when I received my release. Tony's name isn't even Tony !!!!!! You want to talk about a scumbag liar. His real name is William. You want to talk about a low self-esteem loser, narcissist that's William. You have a birth name you go by it .If your name is William it's William Will Willie Bill Billy not Tony. My name is Clay ,you don't think I got teased more than any name possible growing up in grade school Etc.? Should I just call myself Tony now?William isnt italian....

So I have documented proof he's a bold-faced liar ,even though he's lied a lot deeper than that. Because whenever William Hollands,lips are moving ,he is lying. Right when he says hi I'm Tony ,that's his first lie starts,and then they just continue from there!

And lastly about the broke Detroit pimp. I don't think I mentioned he had a two-tone watch on!? I'm 50 years old .I bought my first two-tone gold Rolex at 25 years old...25 years ago literally on my golden birthday. He's a self-proclaimed millionaire with a two-tone watch.?NOPE!!! That's an absolute joke! Really there's a theme to this guy, if you pay attention ,he's a pathological liar ,a time wasting pathetic joke .Hm(William) his company ,and everything about it, from his contractor on down!

Stay away at all costs...
To top it off.... I just relooked. Tony I mean William... middle initial isn't even T. What a pathological low self-esteem narcissist liar. Documented....
Court of Appeals of Georgia.


No. A14A1235.
Decided: November 20, 2014

William Holland and Senior Life Insurance Company ("Senior Life") entered into an agreement ("Agreement") authorizing Holland to sell Senior Life's insurance products as an independent agent. Senior Life subsequently terminated the Agreement and notified Holland that it "suspended" payment of commissions to Holland pending an investigation of whether Holland had violated restrictive covenants contained in the Agreement