Yes and if you put your personal business in there they keep it and give it to other agents too. I did find the perfect platform with Precision. The release is really one that no FMO wants to sign. You have to sign a release that says if i want to come back to them, they have to release me. I have no intentions of going back but it has been a nightmare to get out of their system. Being captive with Cigna Healthspring is a problem. They do buy the leads but they are recycled to death and most of their are years old. Its true they will give you 5 newer leads for every sale but they hang onto them so long that the people have already chosen a plan so to me they are useless. Theycharge 225.00 per month for the telesales seat, but to use it they actually treat you like a employee even though you are a independent contractor. I wish i knew how to get that release done. They are holding my contracts hostage as far as I'moncerned. I no longer work for their telesales and yet all my contracts are telesales only. Precision already has a open release policy and they said no carrier requires their type of release. WHAT A HEADACHE