AOR Help Please!


100+ Post Club
So I have a small Group that is a spin-off of a larger company. I have spoiled my client with great service and they know it! They are always complimenting me on my service and follow through.

I have asked for them to make me the AOR about a month and a half ago on the bigger parent Group/company and they say that it will happen but they just don't know when. I think my contact feels guilty about making the switch even though I do a better job!

I want to re-approach my contact but I don't want to be too aggressive as I feel it will make me look wormy. But on the other hand, I know the longer I wait, the less likely the switch will be made...unless the other agent really screws up.

Any suggestions???
How about offering something the other agent cannot offer come renewal time? (Pending BOR on the whole group)

Oh wow. Only if you want to loose your license. Rebating is only legal in two states, and any "gift" over 50 dollars is a no no.

I don't suggest you "buy" their loyalty, this type of loyalty is most often fleeting. I suggest you approach your clients again and talk to them on a professional level. Remind them of the service you have given them throughout your time and tell them that you can bring that same level of service to the other company. Ask them what they believe the decision making factor may be. It could be that the current AOR is a member of the family or something, in which case your chances just took a huge dive. One of my best college buddies started his own law firm about 3 years ago and he knows very well that I'm in insurance but I am not the AOR because his brother-in-law is in insurance as well. His brother-in-law has had less than a year's experience in insurance and has never sold group before, but he still got it because he's family. Sometimes there are factors that in which you cannot compete, and I suggest you find out what those factors are before you waste more time on trying to become AOR.
LOL @ Thatguy

I was referring to a product or a service!! not rebating!!

For example, is the group doing paper apps? If so, how much of a burden is that on HR? What if you could eliminate this all together via electronic enrollment AND provide telephonic for off site employees?

How about consolidated billing??

(FYI I am not pitching my services as an enrollment company, just speaking from experience)

HSA's with a Mini Med?
Guaranteed Issue worksite insurance?

Sometimes a difference maker is "how can you make MY life easier"

Separate yourself from the other agent, think outside of the box and go after it!!!

How big is the group?

You should meet with them and discuss their current plan design. See if there is an opportunity to take the group out to market and save them money. On the current plan make suggestions on how to save money with out upsetting the employees too much.
Sell the employees on any plan changes that might be viewed negatively.

Since you have been providing a high level of service there is no reason why you should not be able to get a meeting with the large group.

I don't know....
I'm not opposed to BOR's when the current broker is either non-existent or incompetent. When things are working and there is a decent relationship, it almost seems like you are spinning your wheels.

Are they not happy with their current agent? To me, this might be one of those battles better left to fight another day.
