AOR's on Small Groups


1000 Post Club
The last couple of months have been tough for marketing even more so than usual.

On the small groups I am seeing a real lack of competition out of the carriers. If the group is under 10 lives no one really wants them. The only time there is competition now is groups over 50.

So I really pushing my services to pick AOR's and its working.

I picked up 2 so far for the July.
Aug I have another 3 of which 2 look to be a lock.

Anyone else taking this approach of selling services?
Unfortunately, AOR is about the only way to do small groups these days.

I just picked up a group of five recently, with an average age of 33. The owner wants ind. health for everyone as soon as we can get them all approved indy, he's dumping the group.

Just my opinion, but in this economy, I wouldn't start counting my money on small group aor. Either you or someone else will get to the healthy ones and break them up.
Unfortunately, AOR is about the only way to do small groups these days.

I just picked up a group of five recently, with an average age of 33. The owner wants ind. health for everyone as soon as we can get them all approved indy, he's dumping the group.

Just my opinion, but in this economy, I wouldn't start counting my money on small group aor. Either you or someone else will get to the healthy ones and break them up.

I know exactly where you are coming from. I have lost 10 small groups year to date who just dropped benefits. They were all clients for an avg of at least 5 years.

I have been using the strategy of Individual plans to replace small group plans for some time.

The biggest problem right now in small group under 10 lives is lack of competition from the carriers. It just blows me away that 5-7 carriers are all priced about the same.
How are you getting those AOR's? My partner, the lucky dawg, got a call from someone he didn't even know wanting him to replace his agent. My partner got a 45 life group out of the deal. Some folks have all the luck!:D
The last couple of months have been tough for marketing even more so than usual.

On the small groups I am seeing a real lack of competition out of the carriers. If the group is under 10 lives no one really wants them. The only time there is competition now is groups over 50.

So I really pushing my services to pick AOR's and its working.

I picked up 2 so far for the July.
Aug I have another 3 of which 2 look to be a lock.

Anyone else taking this approach of selling services?

What is an AOR?
Agent of Record, or as used in this context, a request to change the agent of record for an account to you.

You have to ask the carriers what their rules are for these. They vary. Learn to ask about the money and how it works as well.