Appointment with Company with a Not Guilty Crimal Charge


I need some opinions please.

Recently I applied to be appointed with an insurance company and they checked my criminal background. I was falsely accused of breaking my wife's pinky finger 2 years ago (she in fact broke it on my head). Anyway, because there was a broken bone it was listed as a felony. The district attorney decided not to charge me with a felony and charged me with a misdemeanor assault. I was found Not Guilty in court. I summary, The felony accusation was thrown out and I was was found not guilty of the misdemeanor.

The company asked me for an explanation of why this was in my background report and I promptly wrote them an explantion this morning. I have been in the business for 19 years with a totally clean record.

Do you think the insurance company will have a problem with appointing me?

Thank you
That is what common sense tells me. However, I have never been in any trouble before so it makes me nervous. I don't want to get declined with one company and then have to state the declination on further applications.
Just my opinion but you'll be perfectly fine. When I ran my small agency I had agents get appointed with felony convictions. 2 had done some time.
Well, that makes me feel somewhat better. What kind of felony convictions did they have?
Good lord! Thanks for your response. I am probably being paranoid but this is my career.
I can relate. My credit was messed up when I became independent and when I went to get appointed by Golden Rule they wanted a letter of explanation - so I know that "wait and see" feeling.
In my honest opinion as long as it doesnt show up as a felony, they probably just want an explanation because it is required for them to put an explanation on the application for any type of charges whether felony, misdemeanor, etc. Which company is it? I also am guessing that personal credit shouldn't interfere with appointments either. I believe credit only hinders appointment when the companies credit is at stake.

More than half the agents out there probably have some sort of background incident. People make mistakes so I am pretty sure you will receive a letter of acceptance!