Are Consumer Groups Clueless?


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Amazing that they don't understand that we're not employed by the health insurance companies, and are just acting as their sales force.

Group calls broker bill a 'death blow' to consumers | BenefitsPro

Most consumers would buy a plan based on price rather than value without our help, driving up the costs long-term that they're responsible for. Instead, with our help (and meager per-app compensation), they end up better protected.

Sometimes you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. Idiots.
Consumers really have no clue about any of this, and neither do the folks that write legislation.

Further evidence is the bill that was passed by the GA House and Senate allowing carriers to sell plans from other states that have fewer mandates.
Funny thing: Every person that becomes my client saved money, got educated, and saw the value an agent brings to the table. Otherwise, they would have gone direct.

Politico: Rep. Mike Rogers's Bill Undermines Health Reform
Consider Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and his proposed Access to Professional Health Insurance Advisers Act. ... it undermines one key consumer protection created by last year's Affordable Care Act. That provision establishes a minimum medical loss ratio. It requires that health insurers in the individual and small group market spend at least 80 percent of their premium revenue (after taxes) on health care and quality improvement expenses. ... The Rogers bill would take commissions out of insurer administrative costs for purposes of the MLR calculation -- passing the cost directly to consumers. Insurers would likely keep their overhead at 20 percent, and add broker compensation on the top, increasing premiums dramatically (Timothy Stoltzfus Jost, 4/20).
Consumers really have no clue about any of this, and neither do the folks that write legislation.

Further evidence is the bill that was passed by the GA House and Senate allowing carriers to sell plans from other states that have fewer mandates.

If the government doesn't provide it for you,you really don't need it.Change is on the way,even if no one wants it.