Are You Exempt from Obamacare?

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Yeah, surprised me too.

I also see several carriers. I assume that means their employees are exempt, but not their policyholders.
From what I've read/heard, the insurance companies on the list applied for the waiver on the actual "limited plan" itself, and all businesses/individuals who use the plan are exempt. Much easier administratively, and it reaches more people with 1 waiver. I would hope the gov't would approach it this way, otherwise what a waste of resources and a real game of picking winners and losers........"no soup for you!!!"
F'ing crooks. I guess what is good for all really isn't. The execution of this law is such a F'ing sham. If you vote Obama, you get exempted (unions, etc).
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Assurant Health (2nd Application)

Local 25 SEIU

Lookie here, strange- the SEIU (union thugs) are exempted...And Assurant is trying the second time to get exempted...What is up with that? Why can't I the HealthGuy be exempted?
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Picking and choosing individual corporations to be exempt from the law means the wheels are falling off the bus. Why should McDonalds be exempt and not Bob's Machine Shop?
Full - Its sickening...First Congress was exempt, now groups picked and chosen by the gov't can be exempted. WTF man! Maybe the wheels on this bad boy are falling off...Just wait till more and more people get ahold of this list and pick apart the favorite children, like the SEIU...Will common folk put up with this? I know we have to wait until and if Obama is out of office to repeal this, but if he goes - it may happen. At this point commissions probably will never come back, who cares now - but maybe the public won't put up with this preferential two tiered society. Its total Bulls@#t. I would like to have AL3 back here to justify the execution of this bill. I think I remember him stating something like this bill is better than nothing. Since liberals like him are so fair, what the hell is so fair about this bill? I thought we were a society of equals? Bulls@#t!
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Yes indeed, this bill is fantastic, reduces costs and benefits everyone - except it doesn't work so now they need to issue waivers.

I also believe this gives the companies there were granted waivers and unfair competitive advantage over their competitors without waivers. Watch for the legal fur to fly.
John: Classic post above..The bill, as you state, is so fantastic isn't it? I can't wait for additional legal challenges. You gotta love the irony of this whole clusterf@#k.