as a broker, what are some practices you wish you implemented day 1

And, all calls roll to my cell. I have option to ignore or take it. Answering your phone is a key to referrals. People want answers quickly, they want to avoid 1800 schmuck option.

Never hired staff, dont trust anyone with private info, not giving accurate info. Takes years.

I work from home, always around family
Dont waste time training other agents, produce yourself.

Narrow your product lines and carriers, a niche is better than a master of none.

Advertising is a waste of money.

Low cost leads produce as much as high cost leads
I agree with these mostly on the producers especially... I use CSRs very effectively to sell, and they outpace producers 2 to 1.
Calendly is my best friend. Through a link someone can schedule a time to meet with me themselves. There's no back and forth, and its lowered my no-show rate. Plus it automatically sends them a confirmation text before our meeting. That's saved me a few car rides across town.
During AEP/OEP, I use to schedule my 12+ appointments a day. This calendar tool allowed my clients to self book their meetings, and allows me to stop playing admin asst during production time. Increased my production and efficiency by 40% a few years ago. 95%+ show rate for meetings. screen sharing also had a dramatic impact on my biz enrolling a very confusing ACA marketplace.
And, if you're doing ACA or STM or Life (any insurance under age 65 biz), keep track of every person turning 65 in the next 10-15-20 years (I set new task in salesforce 10 yrs out sometimes, and a working word document as backup). I started this 10 yrs ago, and have 100 T65's lined up each year to write for next many years. (past or current clients, some prospects). I don't miss many opportunities, and win 80%+ of them.

I'd have double my MC book now, if I started this on day 1