Attention All Agents with a Website...

What are you paying monthly (divide by 12 if paying annually) for web hosting?

Siteground: $83.40/yr ($6.95/mo) for one year contract.... (If I like them and choose to stay, they charge $71.40 ($5.95/mo) per year for 2 year contract.)

I was enthusiastic about them in the beginning. A little bit jaded now since I have come up with some pesky little problems and can only contact them through an internal delayed email response (ticket system).

And you can forget getting help from their forum. It may be days/weeks/forever if you get anyone to respond there. Other customers may give you correct info, others not so, and expect spam.
Not good. I was just about to add a site to them. Maybe I should stick with MidPhase...who sucked for a while but has been solid the last part of this year, thanks to some new servers.
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By the way...anybody else have issues with SiteGround?
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