Avoiding Replacement on Price. What's the Threshold?

Would you even get into the extra price conversation? Over a few dollars?

One thing I always stressed when I was strictly a life agent was that I would be the one that delivered the check if, god forbid, that was necessary. Not somebody in another state or even country. I would be the one to help your family in that darkest hour. Paint a picture of your client's spouse, a day or two after the client's death having to deal with someone that can't even speak english. Not a pretty picture. Perhaps that is a tool that you could use.
One thing I always stressed when I was strictly a life agent was that I would be the one that delivered the check if, god forbid, that was necessary. Not somebody in another state or even country. I would be the one to help your family in that darkest hour. Paint a picture of your client's spouse, a day or two after the client's death having to deal with someone that can't even speak english. Not a pretty picture. Perhaps that is a tool that you could use.

I really like that. Thanks.
I thought I had found a customer to get my last deal but I think I screwed up. I wrote grandma a whole life final expense policy, wrote two children's whole life policies on the grand babies, and I have an appointment Monday to meet with her son and daughter who are coming down from NYC to visit mom and pick up said grandbabies.

See what I mean? I think I accidentally made a client.

BTW, my weekly goal? Done!

Way to cut those deals baby!

I can almost hear the monkey's uncle saying "I don't care if you call it a deal or a sale, just get their money."
I have used that (years ago) however, I don't want them to even think about canceling. Otherwise I don't want them in my book.
I sort of remember using it a time or two in the last century, usually when I needed a "Thursday night miracle". I haven't used it a single time since I went indie. I'm never even tempted to use a tenuous close like that anymore. Having plenty of people to talk to keeps you from relying too much on any one prospect for a sale. Just put that shaky-flaky prospect on the shelf and move on to the next one.