Just a quick update.... weight this morning is ~10 lbs. less than end of the Holidays... very happy celebrating with a cup of good effeminate cup of coffee and a leg workout tonight in the gym...

hyper-extended an elbow about a week ago on the preacher bench and now am having to lay off arms for a week or two...:wacko: hope I don't get too fat waiting. ;)

But... no matter how hard I work in the gym.... I'm still bald on top :shocked:
Right or left leg? As long as you're already at the gym, why not work on both legs? :huh:

As far as your baldness...try this. :biggrin:

My plan is work work both... but this month is my right... and next month is my left...

I do not know who I'm voting for in 2020, but I do know who I am NOT voting for:

Cory Booker: 'This Planet Simply Can't Sustain' People Eating Meat

Dumbass freak show vegan

Funny thing is we all pick our noses and everything is working out fine... was my Mom wrong all this time... she told me not to pick my nose and eat my food (we ate meat)...:shocked: